
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

I remember

September 10, 2013 2 comments

My lil abandoned place…
A place where thoughts, perspectives, happenings get penned down.
A place where I reminiscence, a place to express myself, a place for me to remember…
Because we are only human.
Over time, we forget…Over time, we change…
And reading back my own posts, I could see the change in myself..driven by maturity, driven by circumstances, for better, or for worse.

Yet, some things, stay in our memory for longer..
Some memories, don’t fade over time…
Some memories, become lessons in life, and shapes the person we are.

I remember..
I remember those were the days…
I remember how you would go up the school bus with me to kindergarden.
And how you used to tell me, years later, how you’d tell the school bus driver to “scold” you and not let you into the bus, so that I could learn to be more independent, and actually go to school by myself..
The early mornings when you’d wake up the ever-so-grumpy me to catch the school bus even before 6am in the morning, and you’d wait with me for the bus..
The late nights when you would stood outside the house, worrying, wondering if all is well, when it took me nearly an hour longer to get home because the new bus driver drove like a tortoise.

I remember…
I remember the days where you’d cook us clams, and we’d have a “picnic” at the car porch, with an umbrella, and have our lunch with the scorching heat…
The nights where we’d play camping with the blanket and the double decker bed,
I remember the stories you told us when we couldn’t sleep at night…
Both the funny – The mice and the rice warehouse, and the heart wrenching – the days of World War 2 and the Japanese Occupation.
I’ll always remember the days in Cheras, the time when you bought me a pair of chicks just because I commented they looked oh-so-cute on tv…my first ever pet.
When one of the chicks died, the devastation I felt…and how I refused to eat chicken for the entire week…

I remember…
Your happy face when I was back during Chinese New Year, the reunion dinner, the second day big lunch, the yee sang..
I remember driving over to where you are every morning, spending the time with family…
And the fact that you still went out for dinner the night before I leave for Melbourne, although you were considerably weak, and have not left the house for a bit due to that..
The effort you made, your laughter at my lame jokes that night…

I remember…
The pain in your face and expression when I visited the night I touched down…
The very face that turned so peaceful the next morning, as you slip into unconsciousness..
I remember the stories we’d share with you, laughing, crying, by your bed side…
How your feet and hands slowly turned cold as the day passes…finally leaving us for good that very night…
I’d never forget how you persevered, to keep to your word, that you’d wait for us to return…
How you held on, despite the fact that the body has failed you, with just your willpower.
That until the very last moment of your life, you taught, by example, the final lesson in life:
When there’s a will, there’s a way…

You’ve worked hard, been through so much, enjoyed too little…
I hope you’ve now gone to a better place,
Where you’d get to reap what you sow…
I still do miss you..lots…
But I remind myself, everytime, that your journey, while full of challenges, you’ve emerged, against the odds, victorious.
That it should be a celebration of the life you had, the lives you’ve shaped and changed…rather than mourn for your passing…
I will remember…but until then, allow me to be weak, and shed my tears for what I would never be able to hold, to see, to talk to…just a lil more…
One day, when I’m ready, I’ll let go…

Categories: Events, Family, Life, Memories

The Speech

December 18, 2011 7 comments

Just wanted to pen down the speech by the maid of honour, yours truly.

The brain is a wonderful thing. It never stops working from the time you are born, until the moment you are about to start to make a speech.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Yin Fun, and I’ve known Mei my whole life, and most of hers.
There was a saying, that blood is thicker than water, and so, when Mei asked me to be the maid of honor, and give a speech, I felt delighted, and scared, all the same, for I’ve never been much of a public speaker…but because I’m her only sister, I couldn’t even turn her down~!
As a result, I’m standing here, in front of you….terrified~!

Before I begin, Mei, will you please place your left hand on the table. Jon, will you please place your right hand on top of hers.

I never knew Jon before he dated my sister, so I can’t tell you horrible stories about him, but I can tell you that I think he fits my sister, perfectly. He’s easy going, soft-spoken guy…who ermm..loves golf. Truth be told, I dare not say I know him very well…and if any of you wondered how did I conclude that he fits my sister, perfectly, it’s the way he looks at her, and the way she speaks of him.

Mei, you look spectacular today, and I would like to thank you for giving me the true meaning of the word sister….or so I think, since I do not have another sister to make comparison with.

As children, Mei and I were pretty much inseparable. We fought over every tiny thing, including who gets to sit in the front seat of the car, every day, and more often than not, because we couldn’t reach an agreement, we’d both end up squeezing into the front seat~! That’s how inseparable we were!

As we grow up, we grew apart for a short while during our teenage years, but things quickly caught up when we headed here for our studies, and we actually grew closer in those years than we have ever been, sharing our ups and downs, cries and laughter.

I do have a lot of funny and embarrassing stories about her, but because today’s her special day, I would leave her alone now.

I’ve been thinking very hard about word of advice for the newlyweds, and could only come up with these:
Have a good sense of humor, have a very short memory- laugh at each other’s mistakes, forget the shortcomings – that’s the secret to a happy marriage.
If you’re clever, you’ll have the last say. If you’re very clever, you won’t use it.

This day ushers a new beginning of a wonderful phase of both my sis’, and Jon’s lives.

Separately, you are two special, remarkable people, but together you are complete. As you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life, remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops, and enjoy every twist and turn.
For the ride is much better when you share it together. Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

And Jon, it is with great pleasure, that I have been able to give you the last 5 mins in which you’ll ever have the upper hand over Mei.

Please raise your glasses while I toast my sister, and her husband.
Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers.

I’d have to admit that not everything that was said were originally from me.
So, credits to whoever that came out with them (I have no idea who)
But all that was said, were true, to my heart..and that’s all that matters.

Conclusion: I recall someone once told me “No matter how posh, how beautiful the wedding was, it’s only an event. Only for the day. Marriage, is everything that comes after. Both the ups, and downs. It wouldn’t be easy. It wouldn’t be just a bed of roses. But it could be rewarding”
And so, to my sis, and my new brother-in-law, I truly wish you a lifetime of happiness.

Found, and Lost

February 23, 2011 4 comments

Just a lil over 3 years ago, fate brought her to us. She came tired, hungry and very sick.
Rather than giving up on her, and letting her being put to sleep due to her condition, we took her in, and addressed her as part of us, part of the family.

Because of her, I learned to approach dogs, in a way that I would never have dared.
I got over my fear for dogs, which was, obviously, a result of being chased by dogs, more than once, before.
Because of her, dad learned to take in pets.
He has never allowed neither my sis nor I to have any pets, as he always said that we could barely care for ourselves, what more another pet…
Because of her, I somehow could truly see, and understand, that happiness is independent of one’s circumstances.
Happiness, is something one could achieve despite the circumstances, because being happy is an option that one chooses to be in.
I learned that from her.
Because of her, much laughter and happiness could be heard in the family.
From the way she scratches her stomach, which looks (hilarious) like she’s dancing, to the way she runs and hides as mom runs after her because she messed up the kitchen.
I could still recall an incident, (after she messed up the kitchen again), mom called her from one end of the kitchen (to beat her, of course), and dad was at the other end of the kitchen asking her not to go…while Bailey (in the middle) looked lost…yet, after a while, she figured out that mom was trying to con her to go over, and so, she ran off and hide instead.
Those…were the days..

For a dog, she’s very jolly. Always excited to see people, always ready for a rub, or just a pat at the back.
Despite her condition, she always seemed like she could find happiness in whatever she does.
In her world, nothing is impossible.
She could run off, and got herself ran over by a car, break a leg, got herself a cast, and as soon as the anesthetic goes off, she was up and running again (with the cast) (=.=)”
I’ve wondered if she could feel pain…
Those…were the days..

We went through ups and downs of her life with her..from her abandonment, her sickness, her pregnancy, her delivery to 3 pups, the accident which left her with a broken leg, to seeing the 3 pups grow up and became dogs.
Double her size, triple her size. (Honestly, to date, many still asked, and refused to believe that Bailey is the mom, and not the daughter)
I saw her play with her pups, and as the pups grow up, we saw her fight with her own sons and daughter, to being bullied since she’s now smallest in size.
I saw her running up to the 1st floor, despite being told numerous times that she is not to go upstairs, to wake dad up.
I saw how dad dotes on her, and as much as mom complains about her, dotes on her too..
Those…were the days..

Yesterday, it seems like our time with her ran out, and so, fate took her away.
She ran out (which happens every now and then)…and never return…
They all run away every now and then, but each one knows the way home, especially when it comes to dinner time.
And when mom brought their food to them, and Bailey still wasn’t home, things begin to wrong…
By 8pm, dad asked me to drive around the neighborhood to look for her.
By 11pm, there was still no sign of her…
And just like that…she left.

Fate, could be pretty cruel at times.

If seen, please do drop me a line here.

UPDATE: We’ve finally found Bailey~! After a tip-off from my neighbour, turns out, someone in the neighbourhood took her home! She’s slightly stressed, but otherwise fine! Thanks to all who were concerned and assisted in any way~!! =D
Thanks to all who were concerned and assisted in any way~!! =D

Categories: Family, Life, Pets

The extended family dinner

June 26, 2010 2 comments

Tonight, I went for my aunt’s 81st birthday dinner.
I’m never quite a fan of extended family dinners, mainly because I could hardly associate to anyone there, perhaps.
The only reason I attend dinners like these is because I feel obliged to. For, no matter what, we are still a family.

I was born an auntie. That said, it meant that my cousins are a fair bit older than I am. Heck, even my nephews are older than me.
And of course, when it comes to all dinners like these, I meet some relatives that I didn’t know even existed.
You get situations like this:
Me: Ma, who’s that girl there?
Mom: Oh, that’s aunt’s husband’s brother’s son’s son’s wife….
Me: oh…umm….okay…. (Whoever that is)

Tonight’s dinner was no exception.
I was seated with some people that to this moment, I do not know how am I associated with them…as usual.

That was, until, I began to notice the smaller details.
All my cousins, nephews and nieces were there…including a few who are now residing overseas.
And when the dishes were served…
The first dish was the cold dish…common…except it was a cold dish that I’ve never seen in any Chinese dinner I’ve attended in my life.
The food (Baby octopus, scallops, abalone, vegetables) were all in a huge jelly..I thought it was rather odd..
Until mom told me that it was a very popular cold dish during the older days….
All the other dishes that were subsequently served was considerably authentic as well…

Finally, the birthday cake was pushed out, and the Happy Birthday song began playing.
It was then that I noticed most of my cousins were tearing.
At the end of the dinner, a cousin of mine began dancing, in front of her mom, my aunt.
Tonight, was the first time I saw her dance.
Tonight, I found out that my aunt’s actual birth date isn’t until a few months later.

The reason why they celebrated my aunt’s birthday a few months early was so that she could meet her friends, and be happy.
The reason my cousin danced, in front of the crowd, was so that the mom could be entertained, and be happy.
The reason they teared, was because tonight’s birthday dinner could possibly be my aunt’s last, as the doctor has advised them that my aunt’s time is running out.

It was then that I realised, I may not know most people there, because I need not know.
It was then that I realised, perhaps only few guest knows all other guests, because they too, need not know.
What we should know, is that the dinner was not about how many other people the guests know.
It was then that I realised, that the dinner tonight was, for once, all about the person being celebrated.

Tonight, the dinner took a different meaning.
Tonight, I too, shed a tear.

Conclusion: What would you do, if you are to know that your loved one is running out of time? Perhaps, I would have done the same thing…perhaps..

Categories: Events, Family, Life

A lil catching up

June 7, 2010 8 comments

I’ve been gone for a while, I know. Been busy, living my life, I suppose.
I realised how long I’ve been gone when I upload the pictures taken with the camera to my computer. Pictures that went as far as 3 months back.

Hence, some quick updates:

March 2010CPA Graduation
I have actually completed my papers more than 2 years back, and applied for full membership a year back.
Hence, I’ve gotta say that the ceremony itself bears lil significance to me. But perhaps what’s more significant was it also meant a lil gathering for us.
All of us started being colleagues, in the same firm.
Now, most have left for greener pasture elsewhere.
The graduation then became an opportunity for a meet up, catching up with each other’s lives.
I have no pictures of the ceremony itself, for honestly, I was too busy either talking, or with the ceremony itself.
Went for dinner, and managed to take a few pics there, before we continue with our own hectic lifestyle.

Cindy, who, I would like to believe, found what she wanted to do.

With Cindy, and Jessica.

The only batchmate I have left, who is in the same industry group.

Paik Yee and Scotty.

And frankly, I have not met most of them since…

May 2010Perhentian and Kapas Island
Most would have known I took a reasonably long break. Just to catch up with myself, mostly.
Nonetheless, a break would not be complete without holidays! Going places.
Ok..not quite, for they are all still in Malaysia, and I didn’t even need to bring my passport with me…

Went to Perhentian Island to get my Advanced Open Water Diving License, and of course, just to chill…

With Chor and Mr.Tan, my instructor.
I reckon I look pretty hideous with my dive suit, so, I shall be nice to spare you from any other pics with the dive suit. heheheheh

The trip was rather, packed. We dived and dived, and only managed to take pictures on the day we were supposed to leave.
Perhentian island was really quite nice..shall let the pics do the talking..

The clear blue water, the fine sand….

With Chor

And a pleasant surprise. On the way back from the Jetty to the Airport, the driver stopped at an apparently famous temple around that area.

The wishing tree. I’ve seen it numerous times on those Chinese series, but really, my first seeing the real thing!

But rather than going home, I actually met my parents, and we proceeded to Pulau Kapas, another very relaxing place.

View from Kapas Turtle Valley, the place we stayed in.

I did not manage to dive in Kapas, sadly, as I have successfully got myself a few more bruises, cuts, and blisters while getting my Advanced Open Water License.
(>.<)" *I’m so prone to this kinda lil accidents, blergh*
The blisters were from wearing the fins, which didn’t quite fit me..
And for some weird reason, in Kapas, my right foot was slightly red and swollen for a few days.
Hence, decided to play it safe with no more fins for the next few days, hence, no diving for me.
Nonetheless, it was very very relaxing there…
Went to this lil resort which is owned and run by a Dutch couple, Peter and Sylvia.

The veranda, where we dined in.

The other side of veranda, with lots of bean bags.
The place I read my book, listen to the sound of waves, and nap in the afternoon…*bliss*

Mom and Dad, just lying, doing pretty much nothing

Night view…

Drove back after spending a week at the beach, feeling refreshed.

Conclusion: This, is life..a break like this brings sanity back into our crazy, fast-moving lives. Seriously.

My long awaited break

January 4, 2010 7 comments

I have been going on and on and on working, I thought I was going senile…
Luckily, the break came just in time for me to get my sanity back.
One of the very few (if at all) breaks which I didn’t plan for any holidays, or have any exams.
It seems like all my previous time-off were packed with decided that I should just have some time-off, and catch up with myself.
Over the years, it really isn’t hard to lose yourself, with change, with circumstances around, with pressure.
A time to reflect, and relax.

Managed to catch up with a couple of old friends too..
My time off officially started on Christmas day itself, and although supposed to catch up with another friend of mine, none of us could make it. We were both too busy catching up our beauty sleep.

Met up with my grandma, aunt and couz for yumcha session on that Sunday, for the…progression in my career.
And so, I treated them dim sum. *Woots*

At Oriental Pavilion, Jaya 33.
Grandma claims that the food there was better than Damansara Palace’s dim sum.

That night itself, was the wedding dinner of my niece. Yes, niece.
I was born an aunt.
Naturally, I got the question on when would it be my turn from some unknown uncles and aunties. Apparently, the last I met them, I had not even learn how to walk. hmmm..”surely” I remember them!
Seriously, I hope they weren’t thinking that I would invite them for my wedding (if it is ever gonna happen) anyway.

The bride, Grace.

Camwhoring with mom, and dad while waiting for the food to be served…it took them forever. In the invitation card, dinner starts at 7pm. Reality, the food came at 8.45pm..
*faints from hunger*

Met up with Vivian and Jacy on Tuesday for lunch. It has been a while since I last saw Vivian. Prolly 2 years ago..if my memory serves me right..
Sorry no pics, they are with Jacy. With her efficiency, I foresee the picture would prolly reach me in March 2010…I hope..

Watched Sherlock Holmes on Wednesday, and it was awesome! Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law rox~!

Also met up with some high school friends over New Year’s eve at The Curve.
For Yean Lee is finally back…after…2 years?
It was… say the least. It was like, every single Malaysian was on the road. Crazy traffic everywhere…Left my house at…6.30pm, picked Yean Lee up, and reached The Curve at 8pm.
Could’ve done it in 30 minutes on normal days..

Myself, Wy-Li and Yean Lee

With Lina too. She was slightly late due to the crazy traffic.

Past New Year, comes my nephew’s one month celebration.
Welcome, Isaac~!

With dad, @ Kanpai, Northpoint, Mid Valley.

Why no pictures of mom and I? We were too busy eating, so that we can go shopping at MV while dad continues to catch up with our…relatives..
Naturally, the break was also about Shopping and more shopping~!
I’m sooo broke now…*sigh*

So, after the 1 week plus break, it’s time to get going, and get my bank account some money back, before I declare bankruptcy.
So, Hello 2010, Hello Peak! Goodbye Hols (for now)!
*Pops open champagne, pours on everyone, smashes the bottle, stabs anyone in sight*

Categories: Events, Family, Lite n' Easy

Trip down under – Western Australia (Part 5)

June 29, 2009 1 comment

Day 6: Perth, Fremantle, and finally…Home..

We stayed in Perth on our final day in Western Australia…taking things much more slowly,’s our final day..

Went to walk around and checked out Perth’s Harbour Town, which basically is well…a shopping area..

And then headed out to Fremantle for fish and chips at Cicerello’s..for apparently, they served the best fish and chips ever…

The food was pretty good… =)

Camwhored a lil in Fremantle..

before heading back to Perth to return the rented car, and then headed back to the apartment and called it a day…
We slept exceptionally 8+pm…for our flight is at 6+am the next morning, which means…we need to wake up at 3am~!
(o.O) *Faints*
I then came up with the brilliant idea of bathing and changing (to my head home clothes) before I sleep…so that the next morning, all I needed to do is brush my teeth and wash my eh? Ok…it’s the lazy way out, I know…bite me!

Touched down in LCCT about 12…and not long after…back to reality…with a call to remind me to head back to work tomorrow..
Boring, mundane, routine…work..

I was totally knackered after the trip…but it was all worth it..
not only because it’s the first time I get to see dolphins and whales..but also because they were time well spent with the family…the whole family.
Overall, it was a good trip…a fantastic one actually…

Special thanks to Jasmine for the great hospitality, bringing us around, and of cuz, taking care of one of our luggage bags..
We couldn’t fit everything into the rented car, so we chucked everything into the 2 bigger luggages, as well as the hand luggages..and left one of the luggage with her..=)
Thank god I have a friend in Perth…or else, wouldn’t know what to do with the luggage bag.. (>.<)
She was sooo nice that she even sent the bag to me when we got back to Perth…*hugs*
And oh…not forgetting, thanks a bunch for the Atlas too~!

Categories: Family, Holidays & Travel

Trip down under – Western Australia (Part 4)

June 28, 2009 4 comments

Day 5: Wineries, choc, cheese, nuts & cereals factories, Busselton Jetty, and back to Perth

Had breakfast in the hotel balcony the next morning, as the balcony of the rooms were…well…considerably spacious.


Once we were done, we checked out and headed for the Chocolate Factory…

Sis wanted to get some wine for Jonny boy, so we decided to stop in one of the wineries that’s on the way…
The only question: Which one? They are probably close to a hundred of wineries along the way…
We randomly chose one…and went in for wine tasting..

Their white wines are pretty nice I reckon…there’s one with a tinge of passion fruit..I likeeee…

But I didn’t get any because I can never finish the whole bottle by myself and there’s no one to drink with..

And my sis? She brought 3~! *Tsk tsk..alcoholic*

We then proceeded to the cheese factory, nut and cereal factory, and of course, the all-famous chocolate factory…

Nuts and cereals factory…While Mom and Sis were busy trying the nuts and cereals…dad was…

busy ordering ice-creams…But they were good! =)
One strawberry and another one, blueberry..or is it raspberry…errr…well..some berries..

Basically, you choose the fruits..and then they blend it with vanilla ice-cream…
Dad wanted to be adventurous and try this thing called “paw paw”..
I looked at the frozen fruit…with hesitation…I’m not too sure about that…whatever paw paw is…
I decided to play safe, and asked dad to hold on…went to grab my sis to ask what’s paw paw…and to my horror…it’s PAPAYA!
Lucky thing we haven’t ordered it…for
1) I’m not a fan of papaya to start with..and papaya ice-cream? errr…thanks but no thanks
2) Hello~! There are like sooo many papayas here in KL…and they are dirt cheap…and hence, there’s no way I’m gonna pay AUD4 for blended frozen papaya with vanilla ice-cream! (Blardeee accountant, I know)

And then I realised I have no pictures of the cheese factory…oh well..

Finally..the chocolate factory everyone has been telling me about that it’s a must go if I head south in WA..

Outside the factory…

Making of the chocs..

There! Chocs left, right and center!

Another picture of sis in the chocolate place..

And on the way out, sis randomly wanted to take a picture…how peculiar… (=.=)

And so we head back to Perth…but not before checking out the famous Busselton Jetty!

It was super duper windy the moment we got out of the car…

On the jetty…too bad they closed most part of the jetty for repair and maintenance works..only opened the first 200metres of it.. (=.=)

Sis on the jetty, with the souvenir shop behind..

Inside the souvenir shop..

And right after lunch…we head back to Perth…

Scenic, isn’t it?

On our way back…Mandurah…Another very nice, very scenic..and apparently, very expensive suburb…
I can totally understand why..

We reached Perth right before 5pm, and checked into a serviced apartment…
Took a rest before heading out for dinner…
Sis felt like having Thai…but the only problem? We don’t know where to find one…
We parked around Chinatown area, and walked around…and out of nowhere, I saw a Thailand flag…and yeaps! We found Thai food…
Quite authentic actually…
Sorry no pictures cuz we were all very hungry…and gobbled down the food the moment they came..

On our way back to the car…I noticed that the moon looks very nice that night…
and hence…

My lame attempt to take a pic of the moon…

We went back to the apartment for a rest, before sending my sister off to the airport…She's going Melbourne..a day earlier..

Day 6: Perth, Fremantle, and finally…Home..
To be continued…

Categories: Family, Holidays & Travel

Trip down under – Western Australia (Part 3)

June 23, 2009 2 comments

Day 4: Yet another action packed day..

Unsatisfied that we didn’t meet the whales the first try, we decided to go again the next morning…hence, delaying the whole trip.. (T.T)
But none of us wanted to move on…or more of, to have driven so far to only see rainbows and seals…

So, again, we woke up early, had breakfast, packed, checked out and headed for the catamaran again…
Thankfully…it wasn’t raining…

While waiting to go on the catamaran..Nice sunny morning..

Happified sis and mom

Mom & I…both looking extremely hopeful of whale sighting..(^o^)

That’s me, helping to raise the sail…No joke k… =D

While dad becomes the skipper for the first half of the catamaran ride..

Not long after we head out for the open sea, we sighted a pod of dolphins…
Detour-ed a lil to have a closer look at them…

Could you spot them??
No?? It’s ok…cuz there’s none in the pic..

Well…we really did see them…but apparently, it was feeding time for them, and hence, they weren't in the mood to entertain or play along with us…unlike most other dolphins..
They surfaced just to swim away, and considering the powerful cameras we brought…we didn't manage to capture them…not surprisingly..

After a while, we left the dolphins behind, and continue our search for whales….
We waited….and waited…had more tea and scones…and suddenly, the skipper shouted "Right in front! Can you guys see it?"
We excitedly ran to the front….and after some squinting, and trying my best not to blink…just in case I missed it… then, lo and behold! I finally saw it!
Far far away….

The skipper then repositioned the catamaran, stopped the engine…and everyone started looking around…
First…we saw one…then…another one…

Apparently, it’s the mom with its calf..

See the light blue patch underwater? That’s the whale..
Humpbacks. =)

Sadly, none of the 2 did a “National Geographic style” flip, but they got really really near….it was, at one point, literally next to the catamaran…
What a sight!

Isn’t it beautiful??? *Breaks bottle and stabs everyone who says no*

Ahhh…that made the whole trip worth the wait, the hardship, the time, the money… (^o^)
And oh…we saw another 2-3 more on our way back…but none of them came near us…

We reached back at approx. 1pm, and we then left Albany for Walpole..the tree top walk…
the journey from Albany to Walpole was reasonably short *phew*

and rather scenic too..

And after about 40 mins drive…we reached there…
Valley of the Giants..

And thus, began our tree top walk adventure..

At the start of the walk…

Another with sis..

Further up, a pic of Mom and Sis

Nearly reaching the top…

There! The pinnacle of the walk…

alright alright..fine…the walk was actually pretty light and easy…and the whole walk only took us approx. 30 mins..

One part of the walk…from afar…

Dad was walking so fast that he’s soooo way in front…

Once we were done with the tree top walk, there was another pathway to walk on…just to see trees:

A rather peculiar looking one…with a “face”

And finally, one with the family:

Under the tree… =)

Once done with the Valley of the Giants, we continued our journey back up North…and planning for the night at Margaret River…
The drive? Approx. 4 hours… The driver: Me..
My sister was the navigator, and the parents? As usual, they get to rest..
But after a while…my sister took a short nap herself too..(Since we had the GPS, and so her job was then only to see where we can stop for petrol, as well as to check on the atlas once in a while to ensure we are on the right track)..while I drove on…
It was a rather challenging drive, as mostly, there were just trees and trees on both sides of the road, and as it gets dark…it gets foggy in the jungle…
As it was rural road..had to stop twice..once for the kangaroos, another for the cows…
blehh…even cows bully me..just when I was trying to get us to Margaret River soonest.
And after dark, the whole street was just…deserted…no cars, no lights..can hardly see the road with just the normal lights…*faints*
After what seems like eternity..we finally reached Margaret River at approx. 7pm…

Drove around looking for hotels…and had a mini scare when the first 2 hotels we visited…were…well..closed. ie. No receptionist..
Nonetheless, we managed to get ourselves a place to stay for the night not long after…

Checked in…
The room this time was much smaller…
but decent nonetheless…

The room…which is really, 2 connecting rooms..but only 1 washroom..

Headed out for dinner at a tavern…because quite a number of restaurants were no longer open at 8+pm…
geez…what a healthy lifestyle they have got there..

Mom’s catch of the day…

Sis and her…err…fried squids? (Did I get it right, my dearest sister?)

My caesar salad…I’ve decided to be more…vegetarian since it seems like I was deprived of vegetables the past few days…

And dad’s seafood platter

Before calling it a day….

Day 5: Wineries, choc, cheese, nuts & cereals factories, Busselton Jetty, and back to Perth

To be continued…

Categories: Family, Holidays & Travel

Trip down under: Western Australia (Part 2)

June 22, 2009 4 comments

Day 3: The excitement begins
Started early, as we need to board the boat at 9am, for the whale watching…got ready, breakfast, and then…(o.O)
It’s r-a-i-n-i-n-g..
Got out, and started searching high and low for shops that sells ponchos..
After a few tries…we finally found a place, that’s open that early (or at all, on Sundays) and sells ponchos.

The catamaran that would be bringing us out to the sea for some adventure – Whale watching. *yay*

That’s how the catamaran looks like once the sail’s up…I reckon it looks pretty good…How I wished I have one..

Boarded the catamaran at 9am, and we were briefed on the geography of Australia, how to handle sea-sickness, etc etc..

One with the family, when we just went up to the catamaran…still warm and dry…

Once the catamaran leaves the port, I decided to head out for some fresh air…before I get sea-sick inside…
It was pouring! And the moving catamaran, with the strong wind, wasn’t really helping…we were getting wet….but hail the ponchos! We were considerably dry….for the first hour or least..

When it was not raining…

One with John…(hmm…I think I got his name wrong…but I can’t really recall…I think there was a John among them), the person that takes care of us, served us scones, hot tea and coffee.. =)

So, as some of you would have known, and perhaps others would have guessed, the highlight for the trip:


Rainbows…(yes, rainbows, as we spotted 2 of them)..perfect weather for rainbows…and I was there to spot rainbows..I would be very satisfied..
how nicee…. (T.T)

The rain was…well…having fun playing a practical joke on us I reckon..rained a lil..then stopped a bit…and then poured cats and dogs..and then drizzle…
As it was raining, it was a whole lot more difficult to spot the whales due to poor visibility…
either that, or the whales decided to sleep in since it was raining..*shrugs*
It was soo quiet, that not only did we not spot any whales, there were also no dolphins…or wait…we didn’t see a fish too!!

Oh oh…but but..we saw squids..


from the people who went fishing that early morning..

And on our way back…the rain stopped altogether!

And so, we managed to take one decent picture with the catamaran, without the ponchos..
It may not seem like it…but we were…especially I was soaking wet…knee shoes? Well…my toes were swimming inside them..

We reached back at 1ish…utterly disappointed…
The good thing was, if you didn’t spot the whale…you can go back again and again, free-of-charge until you spot one..
So, if you’re into taking a trip out to the sea with a nice catamaran, it was all goodd…

Went back to the hotel, get changed, and we headed out again..

To the blowhole..
The blowhole is actually a crack-line in the granite rocks along the coast noisily shoots air (and if you are lucky, water) and spray high into the air.
This spectacular natural attraction is best seen on stormy days when the seas are rough.

We parked the car, and walked down to the blowhole…but before we even started walking, we thought we spotted a whale in the sea, far far away! We got so excited over it…only to realised, 5 minutes later, it was just water splashing into the rocks… (=.=)”

Nearby the blowhole..

The view while walking down to the blowhole was rather spectacular, really..

Shadows…since there was no way I could have captured the “air” from the blowhole…there were only 2 times where there’s actually water splashing out (although minimal)..but still…there’s no way my powerful camera could have captured that…so, resorted to taking our shadows instead…yes, I’m that sad. Bite me.

Another one on our way walking back up to the car..

And hello there, Mr. Roo…
yeaps..we spotted a kangaroo on our way up…wild one..

The proceeded to our next destination: Gap and natural bridge.

I’m sure you guys could figure out which is which…for if you can’t..go hang yourself now.

At the look out spot..Don’t mind my hair…I know I look like a crazy woman..

Another candid one, with mom…

I think it was already about 4 by the time we were done…and hence, we rushed to our final destination for the day…
The Windfarm..

From afar..

And we finally reached the first wind turbine..
There were 12 of them in total…
It was actually quite…huge…Yes. I’m that jakun…never seen a windfarm before, k?

The stairs which leads to the inside of the wind turbine…

See that small thing at the bottom of the turbine? Well…that’s the stairs…can’t see? Ok..eyesight fail.. =P

It was already getting dark while we were still venturing around…

And this…is the power of flash!

We were totally knackered after the whole thing…I reckon it was mainly due to us bracing the wind, the rain and the choppy sea for the first half of the day…

We headed for dinner..

Myself with spaghetti marinara, aglio olio style..

Sister with her chilli mussels…

Dad with his catch of the day..

And finally…mom with I-can’t-recall-what-she-had..

It was then back to the hotel…to rest

Day 4: Yet another action packed day..

To be continued…

Categories: Family, Holidays & Travel