
Archive for March, 2011


March 3, 2011 9 comments

Life, is a rather peculiar thing.
For some, it is nothing more than a practical joke.

I’ve seen the video being shared in facebook, and I’ve shared it myself, a while back.
For whatever reason that I do not know, it came back to me, and although watching for the third time, it still brings a lot of meaning, personally.
Note: It’s a cantonese video, if you don’t understand cantonese, don’t bother..

Sometimes, it’s funny how we could plan for it all, and yet, something unplanned for will come up and sweep us off our feet, our grand plan.
Plans crumble, thoughts fail, and all that’s left is a mess to be dealt with.

Sometimes, it’s funny how is it that the more we know, the more we are afraid of…the more we have, the more we are afraid to lose it all..
When I was 1.5 years of age, I learned how to walk, and falling down is part of that.
When I was 6 years of age, I learned to cycle, and understood that falling off and getting hurt is part and parcel of it.
At 7, I learned to swim, and played with the idea of drowning.
At 9, I learned to draw, and with it, I learned how to dream, and how to let my imagination run wild.
Today, it seems like I grew too afraid to learn something totally new.
We grew to be comfortable in our little comfort zone, we grew to be terrified of losing it all.
We let that fear conquer us, we let that fear cloud our judgment, we let that fear lead our life, letting life slip us by.

Sometimes, it’s funny how the very perfect things in your eyes, turned out to be just as flawed.
It’s weird that the very thing you believed in, turns out to be nothing more than a lie.
It’s weird that while the very fundamental of things were shaken, while your lil world falls apart, you only show a brave front.

Sometimes, it’s funny how we could voice out everything without a worry while we were young, but as we grow older, we tend to keep more to ourselves.
5 years ago, I would’ve blurted out everything that was in my mind.
3 years ago, I would’ve wrote about it, and let it out.
Today, I would think for days on the repercussions of my actions, and settled that it’s best for everyone if I am to keep quiet about it…
Sometimes, it’s funny how we gain more friends as we grow, yet, feels more alone than ever.

Sometimes, it’s funny how we keep planning ahead, that until the day we are laid to rest, we never really enjoyed the moment.
Sometimes, it’s funny how we lost focus on what we once dreamt of, in the midst of getting ahead in the rat race.
Sometimes, it’s funny how when we look back, our dreams really stood still at when we were 20, and all that’s left is regrets.
Sometimes, it’s funny how most of us lived our whole life, yet, at the end of the journey, a few truly understood what’s life about.

A friend of mine recently asked “What’s life to you? What do you want to get out of it?”
I didn’t answer that friend of mine. Perhaps, if I could only understand what life is, I would be able to tell what I want out of it.

I once learned how to draw, and for whatever reason, I still suck at it…big time.
Yet, I could still remember a comment made by my teacher then…it was that I, am a very optimistic person.
Apparently, she could see it through my drawing.
I had no idea, and couldn’t tell if I’m really one.
Today, I hope I have that optimism, yet, I wish that I have the ability to tell the difference between being blindly optimistic, and hopeful.

Categories: Life, Thoughts