
Archive for July, 2009

The selfish ones

July 27, 2009 8 comments

Yesterday, as I was having lunch with my family in a coffee shop, I saw a couple of St.John Ambulance’s members going around asking for donation..

Some patrons donated a dollar or two, some donated 20-50 cents (Cheap people, if you’d asked me), but what’s worse is the lot that just shakes their hand and head..Then again, nothing beats those who just pretended that they didn’t see them and ignore them altogether.

And it reminded me of my days being a St.John Ambulance’s member..I remember going around asking for donation…
I received the same treatment…most people donated 50 cents or so, while some just pretended that they didn’t see you…which I got used to after a while…
But I could still clearly remember one incident..while I was walking around asking for donation, this man walked up to me and donated 10 was a lot of money to me then.. With a smile on his face, I thanked him..and when he was walking away only did I realised he only has one arm…

As I watched the school boys (they looked like one) going around asking for donation, it dawned on me that most people just don’t really care…
That these people would rather spend money watching movies in the cinemas (you’d understand if you’ve seen the queues for movies in ALL cineplexes) than to donate a few more dollars for a good cause.

It’s sad to see that most of us don’t really give a damn about the less fortunate bunch.
I’m ashamed to say that although physically fit and healthy, these people lacked the heart to care, while those that are less fortunate actually made more effort for these things..although statistically, they usually earn less.
And I feel sorry that usually the more fortunate they are, the more they turn a blind eye..walking away, pretending as if the people asking for donations are invisible..or worse, diseased.

Categories: Events, Life

Recipe for a short life

July 8, 2009 9 comments

Have you had days where you feel that everything is crumbling down, and that you have no where to run to?
Recently, that’s EXACTLY what’s happening to me…literally.

I remember when I was younger, someone once said to me that growing up means learning to take up responsibilities, to cope with pressure, to handle stress.

But recently, things have just been overwhelming.

Its stressful at work, and especially so when you deal with people whose biggest problem is that they don’t want to help themselves.
Its frustrating..
But surely, after these years, I’ve seen worse?
Indeed, I have…but…

…the problem is, no matter how bad things were outside, I’ve always had a place to head to, a place where I called home.
My little comfort zone, my refuge, my shelter from the rough world out there..

But recently, even that lil place I called my own has been terrorized.
Some minor renovation happening in the washroom…

When I head home these days…it’s double dosage of stress, and another spoonful of high blood pressure..
The work starts at 9am everyday, and doesn’t end until 5pm…
Saturdays included.
They drill and drill and drill my heads, lungs and heart out.
That’s another 1/2 a cup of stress.
More hammering, more drilling until the house comes down…
And there goes patience…out the window..

Only to realise that opps..the hole they drilled was at the wrong place. Rather than drilling the hole down to the washroom downstairs…there’s now a hole in the room downstairs..
Add a pinch of heart attack
*Arrghh..runs amok, picks up the hoe, digs a hole, jumps in, and bury myself in*

Today, I went home..the door from my bedroom to the washroom…vanished..
and was replaced by..

And…with compliments, helluva lot of dust on the tables, bookshelves, and everything else in my room…
That translate to more work AFTER I finished work…Arghh

I reckon THIS is why I’m just sooo stressed out lately.

So, DON’T get to the wrong side of me…I’m highly flammable.

And when my stress level hits get this:

ok fine..not really. I broke the phone a few days back..while talking to a friend…and believe it or not, that thing is still in working condition.


Categories: Rant, Work