
Archive for May, 2007

What’s right, what’s not?

May 27, 2007 2 comments

Is it possible to fall in love with 2 different people at the same time?
After some observation..I have came up with a conclusion: Yes.
But we do not live in a world where it’s just us..we do not live in an island separated from everything else.
It’s morally wrong to be with 2 different person at the same time..just the way the society perceives it..

Scenario 1: He fell in love with 2 different girl, at the same time, and didn’t know who he should go after…one of the attached (having some probs with the bf), but reciprocated to my friend’s advances..nonetheless, my friend went for the other girl in the end..didn’t want things to get messy…
But the question is: Should the girl have reciprocated? Afterall, she’s attached.. Should the guy be going after someone that he knows is attached? (although they didn’t end up together)

Scenario 2: She didn’t fall out of love, but rather, drifted apart with her partner. In the end, she decided to end the relationship, for she knows, it was never meant to be. Less than 1 month down, she’s with another guy. She’s very much in love with her current partner, but she still thinks and misses the ex…Is that fair to her current partner? Ever thought how would the girl feel if the situation was the other way round?

Scenario 3: He fell for a girl that’s attached. He wants to go ahead and still try to get the girl, fully aware that she’s not available. Is that morally correct? And if he succeeds, can he safely say that one day, the girl will not turn her back on him like she did to the previous partner?

People have been telling is blind. I beg to differ.. I believe love is not blind – it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less. But is it justifiable that you have the right to hurt another just because you love someone?Is someone’s character questionable by being a third party, or two-timing? Or can we all just conclude that one loses her/his rationale when it comes to dealings with the heart? Where do we draw the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not? I guess it comes down to the person’s principles, and character. As for myself..I believe what goes around comes around.

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Lawatan ke Astro oleh Kanak-kanak Ribena

May 27, 2007 Leave a comment

I worked for only 4 hours on Friday, as I have a SNG (Small Network Group) meeting.
A small network Group is simply a group consists of approx. 10 ppl, and the firm gives us allowance to have fun…not bad eh? Well, it is supposed to make us feel more comfy with our colleagues, and well, communicate better with them…

Anyway, I had a SNG meeting on Fri..and the organisers kept it a secret on where we are going/what we would be doing, till Thurs..I got the mail from the manager: “Pls be punctual. Meeting at Astro entrance, 1430 hours.”
Me: o_O Astro?? This looks soo much like a school trip…you primary school, the school will always be organising school trips to museum, zoo, etc…
What’s missing this time around? Us, dressed in uniform, wearing a cap, and some ppl holding a flag in front shouting: ” Ok kids..hold hands and line up 2 by 2, don’t make too much noise, and follow me closely. Pls also raise your hands if u need to go to the washroom. Understand?”
Kids: ” Yes, teacher!”
But…the trip actually turned out to be quite fun! Saw Richard from Mix FM, Azura of their ever-so-cool station and all…understanding how Astro works and all..
and we even got an umbrella each by the end of the trip!

Then headed to Bangsar for dinner. Booked table for some buffet seafood dinner. The difference btw this and other buffet? It’s actually not those normal buffet.. It’s really pretty much like normal traditional chinese dinner, except you pay a fixed price per pax, and then order as much as you want..
We had sharksfin which doesn’t taste like sharksfin, some fish that doesn’t taste like fish, some super oily veg. The crabs and prawns weren’t fresh, and our butter prawns looked and tasted more like fried prawns. The baked butter scallops tasted all funny, and geez..the thing that should be the safest, the desert: Longan with jelly…tasted like some dishwashing liquid..
That has gotta be the worst dinner I had in a few years might even be the worst meal I had in my life!
It was not only a waste of my stomach space..but I actually felt like puking after the meal..
and since it’s buffet, we have to pay for any unfinished portion, hence, everyone was forced to finish the food..
in the end, I just went home, took 2 panadols, and slept at 11pm..on a FRIDAY NIGHT!
I’m soooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooo not going back…

Lesson learnt: Things that look too good to be true…may just be that… (Think bout’s not even cheap! Cis! was like Rm38++ per pax).. We just got conned..end of story =.=”

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Happy Post-FA exam!

May 19, 2007 1 comment

Exam’s finally over…for this sem at least..
Sat for my paper last Wednesday, on the 16th May 2007…and I nearly died…
The night before, I had trouble sleeping, and with the ever-so-hot weather these days…it’s not that hard to fall sick actually…
It’s sooo hot that you can really fry an egg on the road…
And so, I have been having some really bad headaches on some days…
Halfway thru with the paper, the headache came back…
Suddenly, I had the urge to just stand up, scream my lungs out while pulling out all my hair, then start stabbing everyone with my mechanical pencil.
Ok, I was joking…besides, the chicken me has decided against that, and I continued with the exam quietly.

Being the ever so gung-ho me, I have decided to go straight back to work the very next day.
Okok, I was lying bout this part too…I had to be back to work as I have no more leave..
Nonetheless, as exams are now done and over, I have decided to have a lil gathering with the normal bunch of us…
And we managed to meet up for dinner and yumcha session on Friday night. \(^o^)/ [I’m a good organiser!]
Too bad PY couldn’t turn up as she was unwell, and Shanice was too busy working her life away..
Went to this place call ‘ The rib shop’….for dinner…the food’s pretty good..
Then went to Yippie Cup in SS2 for yumcha…
the bill came up to be RM70+ for just the 5 of us! and there wasn’t even any food on the table!
Let;s see why…
– Suzen and Elaine had 3 drinks each..Green tea with jelly
– Me and Jt had 2 drinks each..Green tea with pearl
– Yiven had 1 drink…
5 person, 11 drinks… =.=”
We have concluded that it must be the cards and the soothing green tea…

Went home at 0200…exhausted..
All of us are trying very hard to finish our CPA/CA asap, dying to get our qualified pay and subsequently get filthy rich
Nevertheless, we would remind ourselves to enjoy our lives as it is now. After all, by the end of the day..the journey is actually what really matters

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When reality hits…

May 4, 2007 5 comments

I’m finally on study break! Taking sometime off work and focus on getting my sleep back…and of course, my CPA too..

And as I was procrastinating on my “CPA111: Financial Accounting” module, I’ve decided to take a break and was just perusing the news when it hits me…

Heatwaves, floods, costlier food, water shortages and more diseases.
The tsunami in 2005 (IF I’m not mistaken, it’s 2005), the bad flood that hit Johor in Dec 2006, the mini-tornados that hit Melaka and Batu Pahat on 2 different occasion in May 2007…the signs were clear…
Being in Malaysia, we are supposed to be a natural disaster free area…
But obviously, what happened for the past 3 years surely proved otherwise…

And here’s the scary stats that I found out…
Source: NST Online: Final Warning, Bracing for food shortage, Low-lying cities to be badly hit

– By 2025, higher temperatures will cause prolonged droughts and intense floods which would prolly lead to reduced food supply, causing prices of veg, rice, seafood, fruits, meat to rise
– Weather was expected to increase by 1° Celsius in the next 20 years, an increase of more than 5 times more than it did in the last 100 years (the last 100 years saw an increase of 0.7° Celcius
– In the next 20 years, 1,200 sq km of coastline will be under water
– The capital of Thailand would be under water in the next 20 years
– Indonesia is expected to lose 2,000 islands
– 143million people in China would be affected with the receding coastline
– A hundred years from now, we would be living like Africa — famine, droughts and people fighting for food.
– During droughts, micro organisms thrive. It has the potential to affect the 20 per cent of Malaysians who suffer from upper respiratory tract infections. People are also likely to die from heat strokes.
– Water-borne diseases and skin infections were also likely during floods
– Rising global temperatures could melt Latin America’s glaciers within 15 years and cause food shortages affecting 130 million people across Asia by 2050.
– Ocean levels were projected to rise 1.3m by 2080 and flood low-lying cities, including Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and Buenos Aires in Argentina
– Warmer waters will spawn bigger and more dangerous hurricanes. Places suffering from drought will become drier and places with a large amount of precipitation are going to experience more rain
– In Asia alone, 100 million people would face the risk of floods if seas rise 0.1cm to 0.3cm annually, close to 50 million people would be at risk of hunger by 2020 due to fall in grain production. This figure would rise to 32 million by 2050 and 266 million by 2080

I thought it was pretty scary…
But if some of you STILL couldn’t relate it to yourself…here’s another one..

A study done recently reveals that (Source: NewsStraitsTimes ):
– A minimum of RM1.4 million would need to be accumulated by 55 (IF you retire when u are 55)..for putting in the factor of inflation, RM1.4 million in 2026 is RM639,000 today..(oh yes…it is also considering if u are 35 today)
– To be living more comfortably, a person needs RM2.8 million to receive RM4,000 monthly for 25 years after retirement. If the person works for RM4,000 a month, he individual would have accumulated RM726,827 in his Employees’ Provident Fund account and assuming he has not withdrawn it for any reason, he has to accumulate RM2.1 million to meet his retirement goals..
– Statistics from 2005: The average contributing member has only RM100,000 left in his EPF account at 54

Not to mention, another study shows that the longer we live, the more expensive it is to live.
(Source: NST: It’s Expensive to Live longer)
A retiree spends on average RM800 to RM1,000 per month on medication
– Surgeries for placing of pacemakers and joint replacements can cost up to RM10,000 and RM30,000 respectively
– Cost of treating terminal diseases can go up to RM100,000.
– A basic laser eye surgery costs RM2,000 and tablets for osteoporosis, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease and painkillers range from RM300 to RM500.
– A hip replacement at Sunway costs RM20,000. In 20 years, it would cost RM65,000
– Knee surgery, which is about RM16,500 now, will cost about RM38,000 in 2027
– Currently, a pacemaker costs RM32,000, a session of kidney dialysis costs RM230 and a Parkinson implant costs RM150,000
– An elderly person usually had at least four illnesses
Of course, all the prices quoted for are for people who gets treatment from private hospitals. Surely, the government hospitals would charge the patients cheaper?
Yes. There’s no doubt about it.
But consider this: A long queue to just see the doctor…then queue again if there’s a need for any surgery. As a result of it? They delay treatment, and compromise by taking additional medicine.
Conclusion: The people that gets it worst are the lower income group.

Hmm…Scary isn’t it? Everything summed up…it’s pretty overwhelming, I reckon. But I guess my point is this: At the end of the day, it’s expensive to just live…and it really becomes a game of ‘survival of the fittest’. And me? I just wanna be one of the fittest.

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Something to think about….

May 4, 2007 Leave a comment

Found this in a fellow friend’s blog:

“Ten years from now…you will have achieved
A level of growth at great personal cost.

If you have made significant progress towards
Achieving your personal and professional goals,
You will have done so at the cost of
Self denial,
Self discipline,
And even self – sacrifice.

However if you have not made significant progress,
You will have paid with
Lost opportunities,
Broken promises,
And diminished dreams.

The choice is yours, both sucess and failure come at
A great cost, and true sucess demands
a great character and dedication.

…Karl Gretz…

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