
Archive for December, 2019

I do not understand…

December 6, 2019 3 comments

There’s much that I do not understand..

When I was young, I was once told that “You will understand when you get older”, yet as I do get older, there are only more that I do not understand….wondering if I ever will.

I do not understand why we would cull sharks when one person gets attacked by sharks, yet never cull humans who kill other animals, and each other.
I do not understand how horses who served their lifetime racing and winning money for their owners end up with the most cruel fate at the abattoir.
I do not understand why other animals are paying the price for human actions
I would never understand why would some get pets only to abandon them later..
I do not understand how humans can be so full of ourselves, to believe that we are saving animals from extinction, when it was us that drove them to near extinction at the very first place.

I do not understand why people who fights for freedom of speech and democracy would beat up others simply because they do not share the same belief..for by doing that, were they not actually against freedom of speech?
More than that, I do not understand how others would support the violence.

I do not understand why some would fight so hard for marriage equality, why a relationship between 2 person needs to be validated by the world, or why others are so against the idea of having marriage equality..

I do not understand why when love ends, it turns into hate. When it seems only like yesterday that they want the best for each other, it suddenly became who can make the other more miserable.

I’ve given them so much thought, when it popped up in my mind.
An article I read a while ago,that in the end, it’s just a matter of perspectives.
Some more extreme, but nonetheless perspective.
From a terrorist’s perspective, he/she is not the violent one. Rather, he/she sees himself/ herself as the Jedi fighting the dark force, against the odds. That he/she is standing up when others cower in fear.

That most of us believed that we are creating a better world, for our own kind.

Perhaps, we just needed to have meaning of life.
Something to fight for, something to work towards..
Perhaps, like I was once told “One day, you will understand…”
Maybe, one day..we will see us as we are, without bias, without tinted windows.
Maybe, one day…I would see it from another perspectives, that the koalas, rhinos and horses died a worthy cause, because clearly, I am more important.

Categories: Uncategorized