
Archive for June, 2007

Feeling like a rubber band…

June 27, 2007 3 comments

When you stretch a rubber band beyond its limits, it snaps..
That’s exactly how I’m feeling now..

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Me, too serious?! o.O

June 24, 2007 6 comments

A friend of mine just commented:
Friend: You look very serious every single time I see you… (psst..I only see him when I’m working)
Me: o.O (Although I must admit, I wasn’t too surprised, as this isn’t the first time I get this kinda comments)
Friend: I reckon it’s the way you dress up…always with a combination of black, makes you look a lil unapproachable. You may missed out on a lot of opportunity, ya know?
Me: ….

I would prolly have to agree with him…to a certain extent…in some context..
But I personally believe it’s a situation where I gain some, I lose some…

I reckon I look a lil like a kid, esp if I’m on casual clothes…
The last time I went out with my parents, my dad wanted to get something under my name…
Salesman: Sir, I’m afraid that’s not quite possible..She has to be above 18…
Me: o.O
Mom & Dad just started laughing…
Me: Sir, I’m above 18…in fact, I’m above 21! *tsk tsk…faints*

And I really wouldn’t wanna give the impression that I’m still a kid to my clients, not in my line of work..
Things could get very very hard when your client starts to doubt your credibility.
As a matter of fact, it could be living hell working with those people who thinks you are simply not trustworthy enough.
I’ve seen how some have been branded as “Not serious with work” simply because of the way they dress, or simply because the person talks a lil more…
People passed on judgment. First impression counts. That’s just the way it is. Sad to say, your first impression usually follows you for a long long time…And your first impression would almost always be the way you dressed up, and the way you first present yourself.
And me?
I am simply conforming to the norm….

Perhaps I would lose some opportunity to make new friends due to my unapproachable-ness, but it would certainly helped to make my working life a lil easier. And that’s a trade-off I would accept.
Besides, my true friends would know me better than to judge me by that. \(^o^)/

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Mind – Blank

June 24, 2007 Leave a comment

I have been thinking on what to blog about for a while now..
My mind is blank…
I’m running out of ideas…and my week? It has been a week passed without me noticing it has passed…
For some reason, I was feeling extremely tired and “off” the whole week….

Think I should head back to rest more..

Ok bye.

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Wow! Holiday!

June 19, 2007 4 comments

I received a pleasant surprise today!
Our company has declared next Friday (29/06/2007) to be a holiday! Yay! Woohoo!
Why? Apparently, it’s to reward us after having to go thru the peak….*proud*
The best part? If there are some really really urgent issues/matters that makes you need to work next Friday, it can actually be converted to Annual Leave!

And for once, I actually feel appreciated…after all the hard work…things are sure looking better now than they were 3 months ago…

Conclusion: H-O-L-I-D-A-Y!!! wHeEee!!

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Vouch, vouch and more vouching…

June 17, 2007 4 comments

Since it’s going off peak for us…life has been getting a lil easier in terms of working hours…
I have been going home at pretty decent hours…
But I have also been doing some brainless work for the week..
leaving me feeling a lil dumb (I reckon my brain is starting to rot) at the end of the week…

What have I been doing? Vouching!
And how much did I vouch? Enough to get me to vomit blood (nearly)

I’ve looked at all the files, and search thru all the files for the docs I needed…and oh…that table? Is actually 4 tables combined, each approx 6 feet long..
>.< *faints*

Conclusion: Hmm..I have quite a bit to write about initially…but due to the probs I had with my comp, I’ve lost my mood to post…
Ok. bye

Categories: Uncategorized

I’ve got Astro! Wheeee!!!

June 16, 2007 4 comments

Well..yeah..I am aware that almost every household has one these days…
But I have never had I’m happeeee….lol..bite me!

Categories: Uncategorized

Comp down and out

June 16, 2007 4 comments

Wanted to blog last Sunday, only to realise my Streamyx wasn’t working..
Called the technical support, and apparently, something must be wrong on the other side, hence asked me to wait for 2 working get it fixed.

Monday: Tried going online with my laptop…and it works! *shiet*..something’s wrong with my comp. Checked…modem down.

Tuesday: Got a new modem, but the comp seems soooo offf…my quicklaunch has turned to be like chipsmore…sometimes its there, sometimes it’s not… Decided to reformat. Backed up, reformatted..
then the newly bought router refused to work…

Wednesday: Trying to copy everything back to my comp…as well as trying to get back online..

Thursday: Still copying the files (Just realised I have soo much files to copy >.<) Got back online, only to realise I have no antivirus. *swt*

Friday: Reformatted C:/ drive antivirus…and have to re-copy all the files…all over again..

NOW: Still copying…..

Be right back…..

Categories: Uncategorized

End of an engagement

June 10, 2007 3 comments

For the past 3 weeks, things has taken another turn…for the better..
Got into an engagement…with some really fun ppl. On our final day at our client’s, we have decided to take some pics..
Afterall, all of us do agree that this is one of the nicer building of our clients…with the ever-so-spacious audit room…
Oh! We even had 2 audit rooms during our audit..cuz they needed the meeting room on our final day, they allocated us to another room…

Audit room (From the outside)
i-Zen Lobby (Yeaps! That’s where our client’s office is)
i-Zen Lobby
Audit room 1: With Wai Kuin (My ever so funny teammate)
Audit room 2
Wai Kuin

Me me me! “Working”

Badly taken pic, (with timer) by our beloved Chun Seng (Who claimed to be pro =.=”) We actually waited and posed and waited and posed for like..20 mins…for this??!! o.O”

By me! (Much much better this time!) Oh oh! Note the size of Chun Seng’s hands..compared to ours!)
In apartment lobby, with Chun Seng (One of the wackiest senior I’ve worked with) \(^o^)/
*He’s just pretending to be all nice and decent here..hehehe*
With Wai Kuin (Batchmates)…she’s always laughing…that you wonder why is she soo happy when she’s doing vouching… Nonetheless, she’s the nicest person you could ever work with..

Thanks peeps! It was great working with ya guys..

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Been a long long week

June 9, 2007 2 comments

Started off the week expecting it to be bad…afterall, this is my final week in my current engagement
It was worse than I thought…but unlike the last time..I had fun…despite the exhausting work..
My tiring week started with overtime on Tuesday…worked from 0900 hours..till 0330 hours the next day…
Also worked till past midnight on Wednesday and Thursday…which made me really really exhausted by Fri…
(So much for off-peak… >.<)

Just when I thought I’m sooo soooo gone, I had a pleasant surprise on Fri…received a msg from a friend…that was once very dear to me..still is….
Friend: Hey, I’m in KL now…free to meet up tonight?
Me: Wow! o.O sure sure…
Have not seen this friend of mine for a few years now…
Supposed to meet up at 1900 hours…but me being a workaholic (yeah right)…it obviously didn’t happen at 1900 hours…but rather…3 hours later…
Met up at 2200 hours *shy*…had dinner, and a nice chat to catch up..
Really reminded me why I was fond bout this lil friend of mine then… \(^o^)/
and felt like I had a great week afterall…

Categories: Uncategorized

Swimming pool in my house! Woohoo!

June 3, 2007 8 comments

And I mean, literally!
But nope, neither have I moved to a new place.. nor built a pool outside my house…
It rained cats and dogs today…and just as I went to check out how heavy is the rain…I noticed I have a pool at my house, in the balcony!

On a normal day

At 1700 hours today

I was actually a lil worried that it would overflow into the house…but phew! (^o^)”…nothing happened.
lol…I didn’t really swim in the pool, of course…but I did manage to play in the water for a while…with dad…

Weather these days are getting really crazy..
A month or so back, there were little…Melaka (If I’m not wrong)..
Now…it is either so hot that you could literally cook an egg on the road…or rain so heavily that you wouldn’t be able to see the road while driving, with wind so strong that you would start worrying if the car you are driving would get blown away (hehehe…got this idea from my sis)…
Sigh..crazy weather

Conclusion: I was hit by a measuring tape (You know, those yellow steel ones, used in construction) while walking back to client’s place after lunch. Those ppl were measuring some crap..vertically, and as I walked past, it fell onto me…@#!^&^*!!@$! I wanted to pick a fight, but reckon that there’s no way I would win..besides…he was apologizing profusely…hence, I just continue walking, but nonetheless still cursing !*#$%%@$!!…luckily, no blood..or else I sue them. Muahahaha…
Yeah, the conclusion is completely random and un-related to the post..bite me!

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