
Archive for October, 2008

The domino effect

October 18, 2008 10 comments

“The domino effect is a simple chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence.” Wikipedia

That term feels so close to heart, at least to me.. with most domino effect driven by the fear factor. On one hand, a phenomenon so widespread now, we have recession everywhere. To keep things simple, stock market all around the world fell, people panicked and started selling their shares eventhough the prices was so low..and the result, stock market plunged further.

Perhaps this analogy would be an over-simplified one, but sometimes, to me, it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When one thinks that recession is gonna hit, and there will jobs lost..they will stop spending on things they deemed “unnecessary”. Demand drops, resulting in supply > demand. Management would then start to wonder if the company is a going concern, starts downsizing, making some employees redundant. This, in turn, creates more fear among people, resulting in an even lower spending. The cycle continues. Amplify that situation and we would have an economic condition of the country going down…the drain.

Don’t get me wrong..I am neither saying nor implying that as long as people are kept away from the truth, it would all be good, for history has proved otherwise. The recession in Japan was a case where problems were swept under the carpet, until it got so bad, that by the time they admitted there was a problem, the damage was done, and well, they plunged into a recession that took them a while to recover.
But what I am saying is that fear could result in things being worse than it should be.

One the other hand, we are faced with mass resignations (and I wonder why for during bad times like these, people should cling on to their jobs as if it is their life line!)..for when one leaves, and then the second leaves…the ones that remain behind begin to get scared…scared of what is ahead…afraid of being left with all the work, hence everyone starts to tender..the worse it gets, the more people leave, too afraid to stay, afraid that they’ll be worked to death..
Don’t get me wrong, some leaves for they really think it’s time to move on…but they are also people that leave due to fear.
I came across the conversation of 2 resignees not too long ago:

Me: Eh, why you wanna resign? You are about to due for promotion! Good pay rise!
A: Yeah…but getting a bit tired…
Me: Take some time off then. I’m sure you have plenty of leave. Or do you not like what you are doing at all?
A: No..I kinda like this..just tired..and with the rate it is going’s gonna be bad..
Me: The more people leave, the worse it gets..I’m sure all of you see it..had we all just hang on together, it will get easier…
B: What are you guys talking about?
A: Nah…just talking about work..So, what it feels to have resigned?
B: Good! I can’t imagine what would’ve happen to me if I continue to stay
A: Why?
B: Are you even aware how many have left? You stay, you want to work to your death is it?
A: Yalor! So many left!
B: Seriously! The ones that are staying behind are just have loads of fun working come next peak…
*They were obviously talking as if I wasn’t there…*
A: Yeah…better leave before I get drowned…

B wasn’t fact, she was just stating the obvious. But at times, things need not be so bad…the more people gets affected by the fear, the worse things become…
Sadly, I’m one of the few that stayed back…(or being left behind)…and I’ve gotta admit…it ain’t easy. Sure, no one ever said this path that I’m taking is gonna be an easy one, but to me, it could’ve been better…it should have.

Conclusion: Some asked why did I not jump into the bandwagon. Perhaps while everyone sees a dead end, I see this as a challenge. Or perhaps, my personal fear of not having a job at times like these surpass my fear of being the one left behind. Perhaps it’s simply not time, and my ego would not let me give up or give in to my fear.

Categories: Uncategorized

The reason behind it all

October 18, 2008 4 comments

Some would be wondering on the reason why I’m going private, all of a sudden.

The blog was started due to requests by certain people (that mattered to me, of cuz)..
Over time, however, I realised that I actually enjoy blogging.. slowly but steadily, it became an outlet for me to whine, to complain, to vent my anger, my disappointment, a place where I share my ideas, my perspective on life..
It also became a place where people (mostly friends) share my ups and downs…
Some claimed that they actually know me better thru my blog, for I’m generally not a person with much to say, in person.

However, recently..I came to know that certain people are reading my blog..and slowly, I realised that I can no longer write what’s in my mind, for I see that I’m being judged by them..
Fair to say, everyone pass on judgment on others…and I’m generally not a person that mind that…but not if it would jeopardize things that I treasure.
I find myself limiting myself on what I should write, and what I should not…and after a while, I figured that this should not be the way… and I stopped blogging altogether…for a while..

I have been contemplating about ending the blog altogether, but finally decided to privatize it instead.

Conclusion: For the ones that are still able to read, welcome back.

Categories: Uncategorized

To Bangkok and Back

October 5, 2008 8 comments

This update is a few days late, as I have been extremely busy, attending to my sorethroat, running nose, the occasional headaches and of course, the ever-so-annoying cough of mine. It got so bad that I have been sleeping…and sleeping…and sleeping the past few days away…*when I was supposed to finish up a bit of work*

Well, that..and the fact that there really isn’t much to update about the trip. There were minimal pictures taken as another friend of mine brought her camera along, and me being me, I was just let her do the work instead. (>.<) Nothing much interesting took place, really….besides the fact that the shower in our room turned on and off by itself one fine morning and freaked us out, and I had a mini scare on missing the flights (to and from Bangkok) for the friend I was supposed to follow to the airport forgot to set her alarm clock, and what’s worse? When I called her mobile, she thought it was the alarm going off, and hence ignored it. (=.=)”, while some of them forgot to checking the boarding time for the flight back, and took their own sweet time to do some last minute….shopping? *faints* Then again, I guess I should have expect nothing less from that friend I was traveling with.. Lesson learnt.

Expanding the power of lameness. Pic taken with the Hotel Toilet Doors. >.<

Our room..

And yes, some of us were also a lil shocked from the “Thai Girl” show…Now, I’m sure most people have heard about it (if not seen it themselves if they had been to Bangkok), but when I was setting expectations, (from what I heard), it was nothing more than the girls performing tricks with *ahem*…their private parts. For some weird reason, no one ever mentioned that it also contains err…”live sex education”.. My friend and I concluded that these people may have simply forgotten to mention them, too shy to mention them, or they were in the perception that they will be judged due to that. Whatever the reason, some of us were totally caught off-guard with it, and for a moment, I was even thinking…”Are they doing what I think they are doing??” I was totally not expecting that, and this is what happen when the subsequent action does not jive with the expectation… o.O (Fine, I may be a bit blur, and a lil innocent to not know it..but how was I supposed to know when no one ever said anything about it? Grr)

Besides that, it was simply shopping, and more shopping~! Not to mention, Thai food, and more thai food…so much that I am a lil sick of Thai food now..

Now, shall let the ever-so-minimal pictures do the talking:

Taken in front of the Royal Palace.. (Clockwise from top left: MunSoon, Julian, Me, Wendy and Jessica)..and inside the Royal Palace with MunSoon.

And one with SuZen in front of Central World, Bangkok’s newest shopping mall.

For more pics, check out my facebook. =) *Opps…I just found out that the facebook pics are limited to certain people only…oh well..too bad*

Conclusion: None noted. I can’t think very well with my nose blocked..

Categories: Uncategorized