
Archive for January, 2013

2012, in summary

January 1, 2013 4 comments

A year that possibly marks the close of one chapter of life.
A year that possibly, has the least going on.
A year of much significance, much meaning, yet, also a year that really, has been considerably bland.
A year that started off with a bang, a resignation, a break, and a pack of the bags. A move down under, which, for the better, or worse, only time will tell…only god knows.
A year thats of much struggle, in most aspects…
A year that has tested me, pushed me to my limits…
A year that I realised I really am not as strong as I thought, I really am not as free as I would like, that I really, am like any others, only human.
A year of much new experiences, yet a year of much challenges.A year of vulnerabilities, a year of helplessness, a year of change.
A year of learning, and understanding that perhaps, life really has been easy on me.Life has been kind, and I have really been fortunate, sheltered from the storms, and the rain.

I would like to give a month to month run down as I have been doing for the past years, only to realise it it anything but possible.
For nothing concrete has been taking place…
Yet, it has been a year of emotional development
Of expectations, of frustration, of hope, of despair, of love and life, of heartbreak…
None of which I could tell with certainty, when or how or where they took place…

Overall, this has been a tough, and challenging year
And that was possibly the reason for the lack of updates…for there were times that as much as I seek for solace, for peace within, for happiness, I couldn’t find any….

Familiarity becomes a strange phenomena, as compared to it being a norm…

I’ve learned much, not quite in a way most perceived, but it has been a year of discovery, on my emotional self…
As the year draw to a close, I hope for a better year ahead.
All the same time, I’m thankful for having experienced more, gained a lil, and hopefully, grew..
Well, not growing old (which unfortunately happens to all), but growing up.
And as we enter into the new year, after a year where some believed to be the end of the world, I truly hope, 2013 would be a new beginning, with a stronger, more compassionate me…

Categories: Events, Life, Thoughts