
Archive for April, 2007

Newton’s 3rd law

April 26, 2007 5 comments

Nono..I’m not about to talk about Physics…after all, I sucked at it..
I just put that as a topic cuz it sounds cool..
and well….I guess it can be related to my post..

Newton’s 3rd law of motion: For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction

I’ve been having one of the worst time of my life for the past 6 months…so much that I was so demotivated, and actually gave a serious thought bout giving up
For whatever reason, I have finally decided against it and held on…
(It’s prolly cuz by giving up, I would be admitting that I have been defeated..)
After all, someone once said to me: No matter how bad things are going, sooner or later, it would hit rock bottom, and then…the only way to go is up.
And it did! For the past month, I’ve had one of my best engagement so far. Client was funny and helpful, and work actually became more bearable.
Things get done, and everyone is happy..
I’ve had my shares of downs, and I’m having my fair share of ups now
And study leave is coming..wish me luck!

p/s: I have no idea why some ppl find joy in making another life’s difficult. Initially, I find them annoying. After that, I find them frustrating. Now, I find them pitiful.
Because they have no goals in their life. The only thing they find fulfillment in is making another life’s hell. That’s sad.
And because I am a believer of what goes around, comes around..

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Out of my mind?

April 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Anyone ever thought they are going out of their mind?
Ever thought that you are going crazy?
I have…
To most, I’m always one that has been living all my life rationally.
But lately, I have been doing things that shock even myself.
Given the same options 2 years ago, I would prolly go “What?!I would never ever do that!”
But 2 years later, why am I doing things that I would never have done before that?
Perhaps I’m a lil more ready to venture out of my protective shell, perhaps I have gone nuts…
perhaps I’m just sick of things..the way they are, my current state…

By the end of the day, will I be able to make any difference? To my life, to the life of the people around me? I sure hope so..
Only time will tell

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April 22, 2007 2 comments

Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear …… than to obtain what they desire….

Since we were young, we were taught that to be successful in life, we would need to work hard and do well in our studies..if we do not do well in studies, we would suffer later in life
We were taught that we should make minimal mistakes in work, to secure ourselves a good promotion, a good pay rise..make mistakes, and we will be fired
The common element of everything that was mentioned: Fear..

Dreams…we all have them…but too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They don’t remember what it’s like to have dreams.
Most would have given up their dreams after a while..for the more people grow, the more they fear.
The fear of losing.
People settle down for a steady job, settle for a monthly paycheck..and their dreams..were slowly forgotten.

Today, I faced my fear. It wasn’t easy, and I did think about giving up..
But as I was facing my fear, I was, at the same time, looking at my dreams..dreams that I had given up on..dreams that was forgotten thru the passage of time.
It’s true: The first step is always the hardest to take, but once you have taken the first step, everything else gets easier..
And I took my first step today..

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A surprise call

April 15, 2007 8 comments

Ever wonder where you would be in 5 years time?
Could you imagine where you would be?
I’m pretty sure that most of us would be able to see…or guess where we would be…
but I guess the more important question would be: Is that where we wanna be?

I received a call from a stranger 2 weeks ago…(well, not complete stranger..he’s a friend of a friend)
I met him out of curiosity, but by the end of it, I’ve gotta admit, as skeptical as I was, I was pretty amazed with the way he presented himself..and what he has gotta sell..
(Yes, selling would be the word…be it selling himself, selling a service, his expertise, or a product)
2 days later, I did something that was a lil unexpected…at least I wouldn’t have guessed that I would have done it anyway…
Until today, I still wondered why I did what I did then…
Perhaps…I could see where myself would be exactly in 5 years time…that’s why

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Me & Suzen’s Ever-So-Belated Bday Celebration

April 8, 2007 Leave a comment

It has been a tradition in our UniMelb gang to treat others on his/her bday…
But since everyone was soo busy with job commitments, me and Suzen never had the chance to treat everyone…hence the delay till now..
On Friday, I was spontaneously asking if anyone could make it for dinner, and surprise, surprise! Everyone said yes…So, me and Suzen treated them all to a Jap meal in Zen@Pyramid.
Food was yummy!
(Since some people commented that I never put up any pics, I have decided to let the pics do the talking this time around)..
Note: Pics taken with mobile, as no one brought camera *obviously*

Me & Zen @ Zen
Shane & Elaine
Scottie & Paik Yee
Paik Yee & Paw Kie

It was nice to catch up again after the peak, sitting down, chatting, chilling…and most of all, laugh at each other’s lame remarks…

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Career vs Relationship

April 8, 2007 5 comments

A week between jobs…
This is usually the best time of all..
meaning the current engagement has ended, the next one, yet to start..

So, I was just sitting in the office, helping the Risk Management dept. a lil here and there…
Then I saw the mail: One of my friend is getting married!
Friends: omg omg…

Which leads to a mini discussion…
We understand that sooner or later, we would be getting wedding invitations from our peers…but this soon??That’s something…
She’s as old as I am, and while I have yet to find myself a relationship, she’s already getting married? (o_O)
Some even suggested it may be a MBA, but by the end of it, we just concluded that different people want different things in life, have a different preference in life..
While it seems like there’s still so much more I wanna achieve, it surely seems like she’s contented being where she is, where she is heading…
I remember, a friend once said this to me: God is fair. When you gain something, you lose something else in return.
This was further reaffirmed when a friend commented: You know, one of my client told me “It helps to be single if you want to be really successful in your career..”
Which I agreed.

I once thought it would be possible to strike a balance, or have both…
But as a woman, I’ve gotta admit it’s gonna be hard…in Malaysia, at least
The higher you get in the corporate ladder, the harder it would be to find a partner.
This thought of mine was supported by a recent article in the newspaper..
That men are now “ordering” a wife…from our neighboring countries…the reason?
These men couldn’t accept their wife to be more successful than they are, more educated than they are… (=.=)” *Pathetic*
Although I would have to admit: It would indeed be preferable if my partner is more successful than I am…
When people asked me why, I have difficulty explaining to them..but I think I know now..
It’s more than just the money, the status, the fame..
Respect. Yes, while it’s arguable that it is not impossible to separate success with respect, I’m sure most would agree that it comes much easier if your partner knows more, achieved more..for it’s something to look up to…

Something so simple…but of course, it’s another story altogether when we want to find one person that we really respect…and it doesn’t get easier as we get more successful in life..

Categories: Uncategorized


April 8, 2007 1 comment

This was sent to me by a colleague of mine…
Sad, but true..

Auditors, do u feel the same?

Non banker, am sure you feel the same ei..*wink*
The truth about being a banker…………..

1. You work very late …
… Just like prostitutes .

2. They pay you to make the client happy…
… Just like a prostitute.

3. The client pays a lot of money, but your employer keeps almost every sen…
… Just like a prostitute .

4. You are rewarded for fulfilling the client’s dreams…
… Just like a prostitute.

5. Your friendships fall apart and you end up hanging out with people in the same profession as you…
… Just like a prostitute .

6. When you have to meet the client you always have to be perfectly groomed…
… Just like a prostitute .

7. But when you go back home it seems like you are coming back from hell…
… Just like a prostitute .

8. The client always wants to pay less but expects incredible things from you…
… Just like a prostitute .

9. When people ask you about your job, you have difficulties to explain it…
… Just like a prostitute .

10. Everyday when you wake up, you say: “I’m not going to spent the rest of my life doing this.”
… Just like a prostitute .

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