
Archive for August, 2008


August 31, 2008 15 comments

Bailey met an accident today. It was about 1030 hours when dad suddenly shouted for me, and then told me to change to drive to the vet, for Bailey was knocked down by….a vehicle.
None of us witnessed the accident, for Dad was bathing all of them this morning, and decided this morning that they will bathe in pairs.
Bailey and Lucky went first, and when dad was bathing Mon Mon and Patchie, Bailey ran out of the house (thru the garage), for dad forgot to lock the door to the garage…and when dad found her, she was already lying there, in pain, and in shock.

Brought her to the vet, and the doc noted that she has broken one of her legs, and hence, we left her there for a surgery. Picked her up after lunch, and the doc told us there was also internal bleeding, but it;s all okay now..
Brought her home, and although she was still very much in pain, she has started eating again, and even attempted to play with her pups…
(-.-)”… sigh…will she ever learn?
She’s just totally a toy-dog, with non-existent awareness on how-to-survive-in-the-street. I reckon if she can read, I’ll prolly get her the book “Survival skills in the street for idiots”

A picture of Bailey and her injured leg. She was wearing a head cone, but seems like she really couldn’t get comfy with it, hence dad took off…

On a lighter note, the 3 pups are growing F-A-S-T! Super uber adorable too~!

My dad has started calling her a princess, cuz she really acts like one.. When dad brings them for a walk in the evening, she would walk halfway, then stopped in the middle of nowhere, and just lie down..
Then, my dad would carry her for the rest of the “walk”…
But the good thing is, she’s also very lazy, that she would not move much even when u are carrying her…she’ll just lie down…and chill…
And dad reckon she’s very much like me~! o.O But I agree…teeheheheh…
Just plain…lazy…
But the good thing is, it also makes her very much like a plush toy, you can just position her in any way you want, and she would just stay there…let you have it your way…

First, I let her into the house, and cornered her…

She, on the other hand, noticed that I was paying attention to her, conveniently roll-over so that I can give her a belly-rub…

Then, I carried her into the house, and put her on top of the refrigerator…and she just stayed there quietly while I take her pic…

Taken later in the evening…I reckon she has such an innocent look…

Do not be deceived tho…We also reckon she could get quite territorial.
Although she’s only half (or maybe less than half) of Mon Mon’s size, once MonMon or Patchie gets to wrong side of her, she’ll really growl, bark, and even attempted to bite the 2 brothers! So much so that I reckon when she’s angry, even the 2 bigger size brothers are afraid of her.

As per my dad: The stuck-up boy..
I think: The independent one…the loner in the family. He likes to be left alone mostly, doing his own things…and more often than not, he’ll ignore you when you call for him.. (either that, or he simply didn’t know we were calling for him)

The “independent/stuck-up” one…

It’s quite hard to get a picture of him, for he’s really very much a loner…he’ll casually walks away when you walk near him…
except when you just got back from work, or just getting out of the house…for some weird reason, all 3 of the pups would come running and climbing onto me…
*(=.=)..there goes my white pants*

Sleeping next to the pail of water – their drinking water…I reckon it keeps them a lil cooler…

Mon Mon:
Another one where it gets almost impossible to take a proper picture of him…the hyperactive boy in the house~! He’ll come running after you, biting you, playing…and it’s darn hard to get away from him…cuz he’s fast! Really fast~!
Tried taking a few pics of him…which ended up pictures of either the nose, or ears…

Yes, it is that hard that I need to place him on a table just to take a picture of him..
So that he wouldn’t be running to me when the pic is taken..
We reckon he gets better looking by the day too~!! We call him handsome sometimes…*>.<*

One of the lucky and very rare times where I get him while he was resting…

Finally~! A more proper picture~! *Grrr….too dark*

Dad wanted a picture of them all so much, so we placed them all on the table..

2 up, one…still running about and away from dad..

With the 3 of them~! Patchie was tired from the running, thus lied down…..

Followed by Mon Mon….

And finally, all of them lied down, resting…

*5 mins later*

All asleep…..

Finally, a family picture~!

Well…..not quite…since Lucky turned and walked away… *Notice the butt between Bailey and Mon Mon? That’s Lucky!*

Conclusion: Bailey is okay, the 3 of them is healthy…and that’s all that matters. =)

Categories: Uncategorized

The unfairness of it all

August 30, 2008 6 comments

Lets face it. There is no absolute fairness. There was none in the past, we do not have it now, and it is not very likely to happen in the future. To claim that something is absolutely fair is to claim that a person (any person) never lies. That’s a lie.

We, as humans, would never be satisfied at what was given to us, under whatever circumstances.
What is deemed fair to one, would be absolutely unfair to another. At the end of the day, I frankly believe that something is usually deemed to be fair when it achieves utilitarianism- the greatest good for the greatest number. But is that fair? What about the minority? Are we happy to sacrifice them for greater good?
The minority would be and have been screaming ‘Foul’ all these time, only to fall on deaf ears by those who perceived the whole thing to be “Fair”

Most individuals would perceive something to be fair when it works to their advantage.

Someone once said to me, you reap what you sow, and that’s the theory of equilibrium, and Newton’s third law. But more often than not, we’ll ask ourselves (if not by others): I have put so much in it, but what did I get out of it? Nothing~! Where’s the theory of equilibrium? Where is fairness?
I actually got that so much these days, I’m getting a lil tired of it..
“How come I work so hard and yet get paid peanuts?”
Perhaps fair, in their perspective is getting paid heaps (although with almost-non-existent working experience), get a work-life balance (0900 – 1700hours job), and have fantastic bosses that would praise at every thing that was done the right way, and forgive when things go wrong..and oh! Fantastic bonus and increment, and promotion at the end of every year…
Sadly, in reality, things do not work that way.
In reality, not fairness, that’s just skewed.
In reality, unless that firm belongs to their close relatives, it’s not reality.
Perhaps these are the people that needs to do a reality-check.

One in particular, tested my patience
Friend: I resigned..
Me: o.O So fast? You have not even been in the workforce for a year~!
Friend: Yeah…I have stupid bosses..not to mention, I’m really tired…
Me: ooOo…that’s quite fast.
Friend: I wake up at 0700 hours, travel, work till 2000 hours, dinner, go home, bathe- it’s already 12am…everyday it’s the same routine..
Me: What do you expect? I sometimes (more often than not) work much longer hours than that~!
Friend: Yeah…but you are in a different industry. It’s expected. And you get paid more~!
Me: (=.=)”…. I get paid more cuz I’ve worked much longer, and are you implying that just because I’m in the industry I am in, it makes me less human, that I need neither a life, nor sufficient sleep? *grrrrr*
Friend: ……but…I worked so hard, and yet, what did I get in return? Underpaid~!

I reckon the phrase ‘You reap what you sow’ was viewed by them from a totally different perspective.
Perhaps more accurately, it should read ‘You reap what was sown by the previous generation’. That, is nothing totally over-the-hill and out-of-context, at least not to me..
Some used their whole lifetime to build up something just so the next generation would lead a good life, a better life, compared to what they had.
Fathers and Mothers work hard, just so that the children could get the best education, and have an easier life compared to what they had..
And yet most businesses could not last 3 generations, for when it reaches the second generation, despite being given the best of things they could ever get from any parents all their life, ended up splurging the family’s fortunes, for they never knew, or could understand how hard was it to earn a living. And the third generation? They die off…
All of them, a consequence from previous generation’s actions.

Anyway, I guess my point is this. More often than not, it takes a while to see the results of all the hard work put in. For some, it takes a few years, while for others, their whole life.
Where is fairness to them, we wonder?Perhaps, to them, they are happy, and contented to know that after all the hard work (action), they will leave this place knowing that their children are better equipped with skills that would help make their life better (reaction).
Yet, in the eyes of others, if the results are not as intended 6 months down the road, they give up, looking for alternatives, only to face the same fate 6 months later. These are the people that would end up job hopping, from one job, to another, only to realise 20 years down the road they have been running at the same spot, back at square 1.
Some claimed that they would like to try out other things, to see new things — which is nothing wrong, besides the fact that one may end up being jack of all trades, master of none.

I guess in the end, it boils down to whether the person sees work as merely a job, where they would then be chasing a phantom, an idle dream, something that the mind conjured up to make one believes that reality is a walk in the park, a place where one would get immediate results from whatever one has put into, and stomp off when things don’t work out the way they imagine them to, only to realise later that it’s the same everywhere else, and work then turn to a drudgery.. or a career, where one would then take a step back, looks at the bigger picture, and more importantly, looks a lil further than what’s in it now. These are the ones that would see beyond that, understanding full well that it’s worth sacrificing short term gain for long term results. Fair? Only time will tell..

Conclusion: Someone once told me, god is fair. When he takes away something, he will give you something in return. We may not see it now, but if we learn to see things from another angle, it may just be staring at us on the face..
Ultimately, fairness, or rather, unfairness, would pretty much be just a matter of perspective.

Categories: Uncategorized

Back to Basics

August 9, 2008 9 comments

When I was younger, I thought I would be happy if I get to further my studies overseas. And then it happened–I was in Melbourne for 3 years to do my degree, and although I’ve learnt lots and lots, I was neither happy nor contented with where I was or what I have (of cuz, there were times when I was happy for I’ve still gotta admit that my uni days were the best days of my life). But that happiness was not due to the fact that I’ve actually got a degree, the first in my family to do so.

Then I found a job, from a Company that’s well-known and recognised in major parts of the world. Boy, was I proud…but later realised I still wasn’t happy with what I have achieved. I continued my study and after 2 challenging years of juggling with work and study, I have finally completed all the papers for my professional qualifications, and in less than 6 months time, I will officially be a professional. Surely that’s a milestone for someone that come from an absolutely average family?
But when I reflect back now, I do not see myself as being any happier now than I was 6 years ago, although back then, all I have was a SPM certificate, in which my case, was certainly not of much use.

All my life, I, like everyone else, was searching for happiness, and has then started the process of elimination. For in my terms, happiness is not about achieving another milestone in my career, happiness is not about chasing idle dreams, and happiness is definitely not about wealth (Although I still do firmly believe that being wealthy does make one a lil happier). It then dawned on me that happiness usually comes in the simplest of ways..

It started with a simple act out of sympathy.
We fed a dog that was abandoned and hungry…

3months later:

Bailey, the abandoned dog that brings joy to people around her, wherever she goes..

8 months later, it was happiness x 4:

Lucky!! The smallest of the lot.. Very very shy too…she doesn’t like strangers, not even a bit..

Patchie aka Mr. Fatty Dumbo. He’s the fattest of the 3 pups, and we reckon also the dumbest…Always being stepped on by accident and the one that falls from tables and chairs ALL THE TIMEEE but still uber adorable. =)

Mon Mon aka Mr. Smarty pants. Among the 3 pups..he’s also the biggest, albeit the youngest. He’s already almost half of Bailey’s size, and is 2x bigger than Lucky.
He’s also the brain behind all naughty things…ie. escaping from their “home/shelter” that dad built, splatting their drinking water all over the floor and then roll on the water so that he gets wet and keep himself cool (I reckon)..what’s worse, the other 2 pups will follow suit and hence get all of them wet *faints*
He can also jump out of the bath tub while dad’s bathing them, when even Bailey has not found her way out of that bathtub yet…

They can be a headache at times, esp when they keep circling and jumping up at me, biting on my shoes and pants, and when I move a lil, I tend to step on one of them, and for some weird reason, it’s always Patchie (it may be due to him being the fattest or maybe he’s just pure stupid…or maybe both.. o.O). Not to mention, they are fasttttt (although they are fat). They always manage to find their way into the house, and at times, even I don;t know how they did it…

But during other times, those cute lil things would really brighten up my day

Patchie (Right) and Lucky with their new toy..

Finally, a short video of the pups. =)

Conclusion: Happiness, is about simple things that you do everyday that puts a smile on your face. It is something that cannot be achieved when pursued directly, something that will come to you when you least expect it…it is about going back to the basics.

Categories: Uncategorized

And then we headed to Langkawi

August 7, 2008 6 comments

After sis went back to Melbourne on Tuesday the week following to the trip to Cambodia, my mom and I decided to head to Langkawi, as both of us took 2 weeks leave, and none of us wanted to withdraw them…

I haven’t been to Langkawi…since I was 10??

Hence, this trip was….refreshing…
Also, as it was low season, and mom being able to get discounts on the rooms, we stayed in Awana Porto Malai, overlooking the sea from our room…

We left KL at 0800 hours on Wednesday morning, and reached Langkawi within an hour. Rented a car at 50% off, since it was off-peak…2.5 days for Rm120 for a Proton…I think it was a pretty decent deal..

And since we can only check into the Hotel at 1500 hours, we took off with a drive around Langkawi, and stopped by some bird park..
Since it was still very early, we just took it easy and went in anyway…

Mom, at the entrance of the Bird Park..

With the…parrot? (I think)….I swear that thing was clawing at my hair..thus the “freaked out” look..

With an eagle…

After that, we drove off, with the intention to head to the cable car…
On the way…

We saw a beach, and a nice walkway, hence stopped the car, took a mini-walk and take pictures..
It was only later that I found out this is the ‘Black Sand Beach’…
*although I wonder why, cuz the sand there was certainly NOT black… -.-“*

After what seems like a drive that lasts forever (ok..not really), we finally reached the Langkawi Cable Car~!!
The cable car ride is only approx. 2.2km, but has the steepest gradient in the world~! *I think* at42 degrees…

With mom inside the cable car….A gondola can fit 6…and the really fit 6 ppl into it…

There was this family of 4…and they wanted a gondola by themselves…and they really got into a pretty heated up argument with one of the workers…
Worker: Can…4 of you can go into 1…but then you need to pay for the 2 empty seats
Men: !^&#%&*~@!$%&
Me: o.O
Worker: *Shouts* 2 more here~!

View from the gondola: Another gondola going down…

And another, the view of Seven Wells Waterfall from the Cable Car..

There was 2 stops for the cable car: The first base was just for the view, with a 360 degrees view, 650m above sea level

Pics of us, at the first base…

Pic taken at the first base, with the curve hanging bridge and the top station at the background…

Then we headed up…which took us up to 708m above sea level…

Tadaaa~!! The Curve Hanging Bridge. A 125m curve platform, pedestrian bridge across a deep chasm linking Top Station with Machincang mountain range. It won a few recognition awards for this incredible design.

It was quite a walk from the top station to the bridge, really…stairs, stairs and more stairs…
And with mom’s already swollen leg….I was a lil worried for her…and so we walked…and walked…and walked….and finally~! The Curve Hanging Bridge~!

Its quite a beauty really…albeit a lil scary, cuz we could really feel the bridge swaying…
Mom with Umbrella…*I reckon she looks cute*

After the ever-so-tiring walk to the hanging bridge, we headed back down, had lunch and checked in..

By the time we reached our room, it was already near 1600 hours..
And since we had such a long day already (considering I woke up at 0430hours in the morning) and have been driving the whole day, we decided to call it a day, and rested in the room…

View from the room….seaview!! \(^o^)/

Day 2 was supposed to be a day spent at the Marine Park, but….
we found out later that we need to book a day early if we wish to go to the Marine Park…
and since we only enquired about the matter at 2100 hours that night…it was a bit too late…

So, instead of the wonderful Marine Park, we went to the wonderful yacht club (or something along that line)…

How I wish I own one of those…even the small lil tiny one will be sufficient..for now…. =)

It was actually drizzling when we got there…so, we just snapped a few pics..and ran back into the car…hehehehe

And continue our journey to the Seven Wells..
When we reached there, after we parked the car, the parking attendant actually told us it’s about 5 minutes walk to the waterfall…
And so, we walked….



I think the man didn’t mention that the 5 mins walk was more for…professionals…
For 5 mins later…..I was still walking up the hill… it was soo steep that I reckon I will roll-down if I fall..

10 mins later….
Still walking…up the hill..
Me: ~!#^&*(#%!@^*$ Sooo tired…. where got 5 mins?~!!

15 mins later…
There’s actually a flight of stairs on the side of the road/ pathway… and when I reached the top…(for waterfall viewing)…I had actually walked up 300++ steps up the stairs..

And another 10 mins walk into the jungle….


I love waterfalls~! It was windy, and cooling at the waterfall area…so, we sat down for a while, unpacked our KFC lunch and started munching away…
ok..not really, cuz breakfast was barely 2 hours ago, and we were too full for any other food..but that thought really did cross our mind…
And when I reached there, I regretted that I didn’t get my KFC lunch…

Nonetheless, the water was sooo cooling…but mom didn’t dare to go down, afraid that she might slip and fall..
And while I was taking this picture, someone was also taking a picture…and before we know it…she fell into the water…
Muahahaha…I couldn’t help it…she was alllll wettttt…hahahahaha
I’m mean, bite me~!

After that, we head to yet another destination: Tanjung Rhu…The beaches at Tanjung Rhu are well-known to be the nicest in Langkawi Island…

And so we headed there….

It was hotttt….but still nice…

We were at the beach for barely 10mins before we conceded defeat to the mighty sun and went back hiding in the air-conditioned car…
Then headed for the city once more for lunch….and then shopping~!!!
Things were so cheap there~! Chocs, alcohol, even clothing! Not many shops tho…
Nonetheless, mom bought a pair of shoes, while I bought a pair of tracks, and we both for lots of chocs…and a bottle of alcohol each (Mine was bought on-behalf for Shanice, while mom bought a Yomeishu for Aunty Yoong)…

Dinner~!! At Orchid…something (Forgot the name of the restaurant)…
Anyway, the ambience was good, and food was also yummy~!

Mom, while waiting for food…

Mememe…with my mixed fruit juice..

Happified mommy with Lobster.. =D

Dishes for the night:

Soft shell crab for starters….

Yummylicious grilled lobster, asparagus with garlic…

And finally…

Kahlua Ice-Creammmmmm

Day 3:
It was supposed to be light and easy, considering we were to head home that afternoon…
But instead…we woke up at 8am (Woke up once at 7am in a failed attempt to catch sunrise…only to see it was too cloudy, hence no sunrise), had breakfast, took some pics in the hotel…

Mom in the room..

With the…lighthouse?

Hotel…with the Star Cruise Jetty at the back (No idea why they call that Star Cruise Jetty…cuz I see no Star Cruises there at all…mini yacht jetty more like it..)

Pool…I reckon Awana Porto Malai has a really nice childrens’ pool!

Hotel Hotel Hotel..

And checked out at 1000 hours…cuz mom was keen to go to the Underwater World Langkawi..

We got lucky, for it was feeding time when we got there….even the fishies need muti-vitamins~!


More penguinsss…

And then we felt like taking a pic hugging the penguin…

Teddy Bear Crabs…hehehe..funny name..

Some…errrr…I dunno what…sea urchin?

More crab…This picture looks so nice…considering it was taken with a digital camera, and with a glass between this lil creature and my camera…
No idea how I did it..

One last pic before we head for the Airport…to come homeee…

Conclusion: Whew~! Finally done posting…I reckon it was fun to go holiday! Tho I think it would be even more fun if there were more than just me and mom…cuz with the exception of the pic taken in the cable car…all the pics are rather sad…with just me..or mom…*Sigh*

Categories: Uncategorized

The fragility of life..

August 3, 2008 2 comments

At this (my) age, I guess it would only be normal that we think more about our future, our goals..after all, we are at the beginning of our career, and almost all of us see no boundaries on what can be achieved..
But just as we are planning for all of those, fate would just come and sweep us off our feet..

Life’s unpredictable..

The news came yesterday, when I was about to get ready for bed…
Came in the form of an sms…
A friend of mine has passed away..from a car accident..
She’s not even 24..
One moment, everything was well…another moment..she’s gone..

Rest In Peace, Mabel…

Conclusion: Life’s Short, often unpredictable, and very fragile..Live it to the fullest, while we can…

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