
Archive for January, 2010

A professional mistake

January 15, 2010 31 comments

Another interesting read I found in one of our databases.

Your alarm rings, signalling another brand new day. You get up, looking
forward for another new day of challenge, another new day to learn. After
washing up, you put on your office outfit, giving you that professional
look, one that you believe many out there envy. Breakfast follows
(perhaps), and you head off to your office. You’re one of the earliest to
arrive, ahead of all your superior and when they come in later, they greet
you and you feel all charged up for another productive day. Plenty to do
and learn and hence, you are prepared to stay back late to do all that is

If you’re currently doing a degree in finance, accounting or law, the above
is probably what you’ve been waiting for all these years. You work your ass
off (well… most of you) in university because it’s your dream to join one
of those big glamorous firms out there in the market. Lawyers and
accountants are the usual suspects for this curse. Once graduated, all of
them will run like headless chicken towards those big firms. If you’re an
accounting student… you want to be an auditor in one of the Big-4 right?

Well, if you do make it, it’s like a dream come true. In such firms, you
get a personal computer, maybe a notebook (wow!). All your stationeries are
free, and it’s also the first time you step into a ‘pantry’, where you can
make your own coffee, just like those nice offices in TVB series. Next, you
get an exclusive e-mail, the domain after your name is not the ordinary @ or or… No, it’s not, it’s You can’t wait to tell that to your

Then comes the feeling of giving a business card with your name on it, and
it’s not any other business card, it’s one with your name on it, it’s one
that signifies you’re an employee with a-big-and-glamorous-firm. And… the
word below your name is not a lowly “accounts executive”… the word below
your name is exclusive… the word below your name is… “Associate”. And when
your friend gives you the “Wow, you’re an associate with this firm?”… you
get into instant orgasm.

3 or 6 months into your job, you will then be experiencing the euphoria of
saying… I-am-very-busy… I-have-a-lot-work… I-worked-till-very-late-last-night… I-can’t-make-it-for-the-gathering-cos-I-have-to-work-this-weekend. Yeah, it’s an euphoria because to you, it’s a privilege to be busy, it’s very cool to work late, you’re very proud to work in during weekends. When you utter such words, a sense of arrogance and pride radiates from you. You feel great because working so hard means you learnt a lot of things, those not in the professional industry somehow looks lowly to you. You feel big, you feel you’re a level smarter than them. Reality will tend to sink in within 2 years or so, though the duration seems to be getting shorter and shorter now with the younger generation.

First, you will probably ask yourself, how come a graduate like you must do
all sorts of donkey jobs such as photocopying, checking invoices, going
through piles and piles of documents and filing. You will also be wondering
how come your superior whom you once looked up to have to suck up to
clients. Oh yeah… most all clients are unreasonable.

If you’re an accountant, you will probably realise that there is no such
thing called a ‘balance’ sheet. It’s balanced because you did the balancing
act so that your big boss can sign on it and certify it as ‘true and fair’.
Yeah… signing on accounts, the job that you once dreamed of… isn’t exactly
all a bed of roses. You then realise that you will probably never reach
that “just-need-to-sign-only stage” but hey… it’s ok, you probably hate
that job by now. When you tell your client something, chances are you are
just as blur and confused as them. But you have to act as though you’re an
expert because you’re the con-sul-tant. This is just a glimpse of it.

Now, all the late nights and irregular meals will probably cause you to
age 8 years in 2 years. Those I-am-very-busy… I-have-a-lot-work…
I-can’t-make-it-for-the-gathering-cos-I-have-to-work-this-weekend will take its toll on your body and it will show. You will probably look very skinny…
or very fat… you will certainly look old and worn out. Working late and
spending weekends in the office is no longer a cool thing but absolute
stupidity. But hey… you will still have to do it, because there’s still
much work to be done.

By now, all your friends who ended up as salesmen or doing other things
except being a professional, those whom you felt superior to are driving
anything but a proton. But for you, it’s time to think whether you should
buy a proton cause your perodua is beginning to give you problems. Of
course, if your father is a well-connected fella, things can be different.
But if you’re not, tough luck. You’ll be wondering how come you’re
generally under-paid. Those exposure and learning curve that you once
craved for are no longer relevant. You want to make more money. But unless
you’re a partner of the glamorous firm, money can be a lil tough to come

At this point of time, probably after 3, 4 or 5 years, you finally realise
that document you signed when you first joined the glamorous firm was nothing but lies. Then, you decide to ply your trade in the commercial world, you leave the glamorous firm. You think joining a commercial firm will bring about a good change, not knowing that such a move means you switched from being a ‘profit centre’ to a ‘cost centre’. One of the main effects of the switch is that you will be working doubly hard compared to the profit centre, which probably includes a lot of late nights too… but your salary and bonus is much lower compared to the profit centre.
What does this mean… a story for another time.

One thing’s for sure… your morning will now be something like…

Your alarm rings, signalling another day… another weekday. You get up,
after snoozing the alarm a million and one times. You hope today is Friday,
but it’s not, and you feel like shit. You think of a million and one
reasons to take MC, but you realised you have to go to office because you
failed to finish the report due today though you stayed till 10pm last
night. You tell yourself you need to change jobs, just like how you have
been telling yourself in the last 1 year. Once in office, you’re in a
dilemma cause you want time to go slower so that you can finish your work
but yet, you want time to go faster so that you can leave the office and go
for lunch.

During lunch, you will bitch with your colleagues about work and probably
the bosses. You will all talk about so many people who seem to be doing so
well except for you. You realised you should have done something else while
in university. You realised you may have made a mistake in life… a mistake
in being a professional… you have made… a professional mistake.

*Credits to Tatt Hoong for the posting.
Edited: *Credits to zewt for the original post.

And that, sums it all up.
Don’t you wonder, every single day, if we’ve just made that one mistake?
For a period of time, I did. And sometimes, I still do.
I’ve always imagined myself being in a more reputable profession.

Yet, if I could turn back time, and choose again, I might still end up being where I am.
For, against all odds, I still believe it’s a good career choice.
Against all odds, I believe things can change for the better.
Wishful thinking? Perhaps.
Hopeful? Definitely.
For when we lose hope, what’s left?

Persevere through the rain and storm, and you’ll see the rainbow.
Believe. Believe that there will be better days ahead. Believe that your perseverance will pay off. Believe it will all turn out fine. And it will.

Categories: Life, Lite n' Easy, Rant, Thoughts, Work

The day I feel like cooking Mon Mon

January 11, 2010 10 comments

Dad woke me up early on Saturday so that we can head out for lunch, as well as to bring Bailey and Mon Mon for grooming.
Their hair was growing all outta place.
And since they were banned from going into the new car, I needed to reverse the Persona in order for the other car to get out.
Halfway through, Patchie and Bailey bolted out of nowhere.
Dad wisely accidently opened the door from the porch to the garage.
Havoc ensued, with moving cars, and dogs everywhere!
After what seems like eternity, finally managed to catch them. As dad was holding onto Patchie and Bailey, Mon Mon suddenly dashed out from the garage (With the gate still open), while I was walking in.
Reflex took control, and I tried to grab hold of him. The next thing I know, I fell, bleeding, and felt like killing Mon Mon.

Scratched both my palms. (Picture taken a day later)

My fall was also one sided, hence, also scratch my left knee and left ankle.
Not to mention, my left shoulder. The layer of skin in my shoulder peeled off, hence, it’s red, and raw now..

Smacked Mon Mon a couple of times for that too.
I don’t really care if that was his fault, I’m hurt and in pain, and hence, it’s definitely not mine. And I’m just gonna put the blame on him.

Brought him and Bailey out to the groomers, still angry at him, although he looked at me as if he was innocent!
However, upon his return from the groomer’s, he was soo cute and good-looking, I forgive him there and then!

And of course, his “I’m innocent” eyes.
(Yeaps. There definitely are advantages being good looking alright. You can’t be mad at him for long)

Dad was soo proud when the groomer and the aunties other customers there said Mon Mon is very goodlooking.
So, we took a couple more pics of him today.

Mon Mon can stand! Mon Mon can stand!

Mon Mon: Sitting pose

Another photo of him

With Patchie. Next week, it’ll be Patchie’s and Lucky’s turn to go to the groomers.

Although I think Patchie’s fur still looks quite intact..

Compared to Lucky’s..

That’s Lucky and Bailey, After Bailey’s grooming

At least she doesn’t look so messy now.

While for me, I’m plastered all over. Both my palms, ankle, knee.
Also, knee is also bruised, besides the scratch.
Not to mention, my chin is slightly bruised too, from the fall.
But the worst of the lot has got to be the shoulder. Although not bleeding, the whole layer (a rather huge “area”) peeled off, making it rather painful.
Raising my left arm is a pain now.
Sweat makes it double the pain.
I can’t sleep on the left side, too much friction with the left shoulder
And bathing becomes a chore, and worse, a time for torture, when the soap water run through the wound.
Fuck My Life.

Categories: Lite n' Easy, Pets, Rant

Chasing daylight

January 9, 2010 6 comments

A memoir of former KPMG CEO who was diagnosed with brain cancer, and had 3 months to live.
Am not sure how many have read the book.
To most of us auditors, it’s a good read.

Yet, I’m obviously not here to write a review about the book.
(which can be found here)

As I sat in the car, bracing the traffic from work today, I wondered, what would I do if on one fine day, I was told I have 3-6 months left to live?
What would you do? In fact, what would anyone do?

Death. Something so certain, yet seemed so distant. For as far as I can remember, we plan for our future, career, relationship, marriage, family, but never for death.
For most Asians, it is definitely not a topic for discussion. A taboo.
(Although I do wonder why, because if it becomes true by thinking or talking about it, I should be multi-billionaire by now!)

As I sat there waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I realised that I really don’t know.
As much as I plan helluva lot, I have never planned or even given any thought on my own passing.

As I reflected, and gave it further thoughts, there are indeed a few things I would really want to do before I die.
Quit job, travel, hot air balloon, bungee jumping, sky-diving, scuba diving and finally, make life as easy as possible for the ones I leave behind.

I would like to be cremated. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Remains scattered into the ocean, clear blue water.

And then it dawned on me. What if I just…die? No advance notice, no signs, nothing.
Perhaps that’s why most people do not plan for it. For we would never know when, and how.
After all, that’s life.

Perhaps, it would be a luxury if we know exactly when would we die.
We could then plan backwards, and do what we can, while we can.
We could then plan our final goodbyes, our final destination.
Yet, could we really live with that knowledge?

Conclusion: Live while we still have the chance.
We don’t plan for the sun rise because we know, no matter what, it rises in the east.
We do not plan for the sun to set, for it is certain, that it sets in the west.
We can, though, plan on what we do while the sun is up, before it sets on us.

Categories: Life, Thoughts

What’s right isn’t always popular

January 6, 2010 10 comments

After a week plus break away from work, relaxing at home, catching up with everything else except work, I headed back to work yesterday.
And as I was checking out the databases, I noticed a pretty interesting read in the portal.

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use
while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track,
the rest on the operational track.

The train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange. You can
make the train change its course to the disused track and save most of the
kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused
track would be sacrificed.
Or would you rather let the train go its way?

Let’s take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make……..




Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice
only one child.
You might think the same way, I guess.

Exactly, to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was
rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally.

But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused
track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place?

Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who
chose to play where the danger was.
This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday.
In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic
the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no
matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and
knowledgeable the minority are. The child who chose not to play with the
rest on the operational track was sidelined.
And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him.

The great critic Leo Velski Julian who told the story said he would not try
to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing
on the operational track should have known very well that track was still
in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train’s

If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he
never thought the train could come over to that track! Moreover, that track
was not in use probably because it was not safe.

If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all
passengers on board at stake!

And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might
end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids.

While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be
we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one.

‘Remember that what’s right isn’t always popular… and what’s popular
isn’t always right.’

Everybody makes mistakes; that’s why they put erasers on pencils.

*Credits to Justin Tan for posting the article

Which got me thinking. I am pretty much a believer of utilitarianism – The greatest good for the greatest number.
Yet, perhaps I indeed am a person full of contradiction, or perhaps I’m simply not the nicest person around, I did not choose to divert the course of the train.
Reason: Who asked those kids to play there? Die also their own fault!
Perhaps stress got the better of me. Perhaps.

Or perhaps, sometimes, one needs to look beyond what’s obvious.
As much as the decision seems like an easy one.
I’ve made some unpopular decisions, and prolly still making it.
For I believe there are usually more than what meets the eye.

Sometimes, you just need to listen to the lil voice you have inside, disregarding what others are telling you.
Sometimes, what seemed like the biggest mistake you’ve made in the eyes of others, may be the best decision ever.
Sometimes, it is those unpopular decisions that defines you as a person.

Categories: Thoughts

My long awaited break

January 4, 2010 7 comments

I have been going on and on and on working, I thought I was going senile…
Luckily, the break came just in time for me to get my sanity back.
One of the very few (if at all) breaks which I didn’t plan for any holidays, or have any exams.
It seems like all my previous time-off were packed with decided that I should just have some time-off, and catch up with myself.
Over the years, it really isn’t hard to lose yourself, with change, with circumstances around, with pressure.
A time to reflect, and relax.

Managed to catch up with a couple of old friends too..
My time off officially started on Christmas day itself, and although supposed to catch up with another friend of mine, none of us could make it. We were both too busy catching up our beauty sleep.

Met up with my grandma, aunt and couz for yumcha session on that Sunday, for the…progression in my career.
And so, I treated them dim sum. *Woots*

At Oriental Pavilion, Jaya 33.
Grandma claims that the food there was better than Damansara Palace’s dim sum.

That night itself, was the wedding dinner of my niece. Yes, niece.
I was born an aunt.
Naturally, I got the question on when would it be my turn from some unknown uncles and aunties. Apparently, the last I met them, I had not even learn how to walk. hmmm..”surely” I remember them!
Seriously, I hope they weren’t thinking that I would invite them for my wedding (if it is ever gonna happen) anyway.

The bride, Grace.

Camwhoring with mom, and dad while waiting for the food to be served…it took them forever. In the invitation card, dinner starts at 7pm. Reality, the food came at 8.45pm..
*faints from hunger*

Met up with Vivian and Jacy on Tuesday for lunch. It has been a while since I last saw Vivian. Prolly 2 years ago..if my memory serves me right..
Sorry no pics, they are with Jacy. With her efficiency, I foresee the picture would prolly reach me in March 2010…I hope..

Watched Sherlock Holmes on Wednesday, and it was awesome! Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law rox~!

Also met up with some high school friends over New Year’s eve at The Curve.
For Yean Lee is finally back…after…2 years?
It was… say the least. It was like, every single Malaysian was on the road. Crazy traffic everywhere…Left my house at…6.30pm, picked Yean Lee up, and reached The Curve at 8pm.
Could’ve done it in 30 minutes on normal days..

Myself, Wy-Li and Yean Lee

With Lina too. She was slightly late due to the crazy traffic.

Past New Year, comes my nephew’s one month celebration.
Welcome, Isaac~!

With dad, @ Kanpai, Northpoint, Mid Valley.

Why no pictures of mom and I? We were too busy eating, so that we can go shopping at MV while dad continues to catch up with our…relatives..
Naturally, the break was also about Shopping and more shopping~!
I’m sooo broke now…*sigh*

So, after the 1 week plus break, it’s time to get going, and get my bank account some money back, before I declare bankruptcy.
So, Hello 2010, Hello Peak! Goodbye Hols (for now)!
*Pops open champagne, pours on everyone, smashes the bottle, stabs anyone in sight*

Categories: Events, Family, Lite n' Easy